The Ultimate Guide: Mastering Zelda's Tears of the Kingdom - One-Hit Wonder Quest Walkthrough

The Ultimate Guide: Mastering Zelda's Tears of the Kingdom - One-Hit Wonder Quest Walkthrough

Embark on an epic adventure with Link in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom - One-Hit Wonder Quest Witness his rock-breaking skills and conquer the Tears of the Kingdom in this thrilling quest

In Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom, players can enhance their weapons by fusing them with specific materials. This provides them with added benefits, such as increased attack power, elemental attributes, and the capability to break rocks found in various caves and mountains across Hyrule.

The latter feature becomes especially advantageous for collecting gems and other valuable resources from mineral deposits in Tears of the Kingdom. One specific quest demands players to effortlessly break rocks. Here's what Link must accomplish.

One-Hit Wonder Quest Walkthrough

The Ultimate Guide: Mastering Zelda's Tears of the Kingdom - One-Hit Wonder Quest Walkthrough

The side quest "One-Hit Wonder" is available for players to start and complete in the vicinity just south of the South Akkala Stable. This stable is situated west of Tarrey Town and southwest of Death Mountain, in the Akkala Highlands region. To conveniently reach the location, players can choose to fast travel to the Mayachideg Shrine, which is the closest shrine accessible. This will instantly bring them above the South Akkala Stable. Another option is to teleport to the Ulri Mountain Skyview Tower and then glide down to the stable, which is positioned between the crossroads.

The Ultimate Guide: Mastering Zelda's Tears of the Kingdom - One-Hit Wonder Quest Walkthrough

To start the quest "One-Hit Wonder," travel south from the South Akkala Stable. When you reach the coordinates (3087, 1673, 0201), you will encounter Parcy, a woman struggling to break a mineral vein. Parcy presents Link with a challenge: if he can break the vein in a single strike, he can keep any gems that emerge.

Fortunately for Parcy, this task is relatively simple for the esteemed Champion of Hyrule. As long as the player possesses a powerful weapon such as the Cobble Crusher, they will easily complete the challenge. However, most heavy, blunt melee weapons should suffice for the job.

If the player is without a suitable weapon, they can return to the South Akkala Stable. There, leaning against the back wall of the stable, they will discover a Farming Hoe that can be wielded. In addition, a rock that can be fused onto a weapon can be found a short distance behind the stable, near the pens housing goats and cuccos. Another fusible rock awaits at the crossroad located south of the stable.

The Ultimate Guide: Mastering Zelda's Tears of the Kingdom - One-Hit Wonder Quest Walkthrough

To break the mineral vein, use the rock-fused weapon. Return to Parcy and swing the blunt weapon forcefully at the mineral vein. As a result, the mineral vein will shatter, revealing several random gems like Rubies and Topaz. Parcy will acknowledge Link's fair victory. Completing this straightforward quest titled "One-Hit Wonder" signifies success.

Experience The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom, available exclusively on Nintendo Switch.