The Ultimate Fantasy Movie Every Skyrim Fan Must See

The Ultimate Fantasy Movie Every Skyrim Fan Must See

Embark on a mesmerizing journey into the realms of dark fantasy with Dragonslayer, a forgotten gem that will captivate Skyrim fans with its epic adventure and thrilling storyline

Skyrim, with its immersive world and thrilling adventures, has earned its place as one of the most successful RPGs of all time. One of the biggest attractions of the game is the opportunity to hunt and battle dragons, captivating fans. In a similar vein, the 1981 cult-classic Dragonslayer, although forgotten in recent years, garnered praise from both critics and fans. Despite its failure to gain financial success initially, the film's darker fantasy elements, overlooked by movie-goers of that era, have found a new appreciation among enthusiasts of The Elder Scrolls.

What Is Dragonslayer About?

The Ultimate Fantasy Movie Every Skyrim Fan Must See

Released in 1981 on a modest budget of approximately 18 million dollars by today's standards, Dragonslayer presents a captivating and somber narrative of a young wizard's apprentice named Galen and his epic quest to slay a formidable dragon. However, the story doesn't begin in this grand fashion. Initially, Galen's sole focus is to scatter the ashes of his deceased master over a peculiar and mystical burning water. This desire leads Galen to embark on a journey to the kingdom of Urland, where his true adventure truly commences.

Armed with his master's enchanted amulet and accompanied by his loyal and disguised companion Valerian, a young woman, Galen sets out to locate the dragon's lair, only to be apprehended by Tyrian, the captain of the king's royal guard. Believing it wise to seal off the entrance to the dragon's cave, Galen's plan is met with resistance from Tyrian and King Casiodorus, resulting in the young apprentice being imprisoned in the dungeon. Fortunately, Princess Elspeth pays a visit to the dungeon, unaware of the surprises that await her.

The king was rumored to use a manipulated lottery system to offer young women as sacrifices to honor the dragon Vermithrax, which was done to ensure the safety of his kingdom. Having rigged the lottery to select the princess, Galen is tasked with defeating the ferocious and enraged dragon once and for all.

Following intensive weapon crafting with Valerian, Galen bravely confronts the dragon in a seemingly impossible battle. His mission is to rescue the princess, safeguard the kingdom, and pay homage to his master simultaneously. This daunting task is fraught with peril, as expected in a darker fantasy, and not every moment along the treacherous journey is cause for celebration.

How Is Dragonslayer Like Skyrim?

The Ultimate Fantasy Movie Every Skyrim Fan Must See


Dragonslayer successfully captures the same atmosphere and tone as Skyrim, which any Skyrim fan will immediately notice. Despite some minor influences from the eighties, the movie maintains a serious tone that is accentuated by its impressive special effects. The film takes viewers on a journey through a captivating and lore-rich world, with story decisions that evoke the intricate and interwoven questlines found in Skyrim.

Similar to Skyrim, Dragonslayer features a plethora of magical artifacts. Galen utilizes a powerful magic amulet to enchant a formidable spear, while Valerian harnesses the power of dragon scales to create a strong shield. These artifacts, which hold great significance in Skyrim, play a crucial role in Dragonslayer as Galen skillfully employs them to wound the dragon and survive an almost fatal attack.

There are no dragon shouts heard in the movie, especially not from Galen. However, there is abundant use of simple magic. The movie also portrays a self-interested royalty who make poorly thought-out decisions, similar to the different factions in Skyrim's questline.

While the movie lacks some of Skyrim's more fantastical elements, it still embodies the medieval fantasy genre. The terrifying Vermithrax can be compared to Skyrim's Alduin, as both are formidable foes that few can face alone. Relying on assistance from others is crucial in the process of defeating the dragon, although it is unlikely that many were able to vanquish Alduin in the same manner as Galen defeats Vermithrax.

How Does Dragonslayer End?

The Ultimate Fantasy Movie Every Skyrim Fan Must See

The conclusion of Dragonslayer is possibly one of the most thrilling moments in classic fantasy literature. Despite Galen's efforts to save the princess and defeat Vermithrax using his crafted and enchanted weapons, he and Valerian contemplate accepting their defeat and fleeing to safety. However, before they depart, Galen's amulet reveals a crucial message: he must spread his master's ashes in the dragon's cave, a place he had already visited.

Following this instruction, Galen carries out the task, only to witness the sudden appearance of his master, Ulrich, who bravely confronts the dragon. Ulrich advises Galen to destroy the amulet at the precise moment. The scene unfolds with the epic battle between the wizard and the dragon on a mountaintop. Despite Ulrich's valiant efforts, the dragon proves to be a formidable opponent. As the dragon snatches the wizard, Galen realizes that the time to destroy the amulet has come. With a single strike, the amulet shatters into pieces, triggering a colossal explosion that engulfs both Ulrich and Vermithrax. This cataclysmic event ultimately eradicates the terrifying threat of the monstrous beast forever.

The crafty monarch ultimately steals all the credit for the defeat, but that is of little consequence to Galen. He soon realizes that he is now blessed with extraordinary abilities, which he promptly employs to summon a magnificent steed for both himself and Valerian, enabling them to embark on thrilling escapades. Dragonslayer can be rented or purchased on Amazon Prime Video.