The Ultimate Exoprimal Exosuit Guide: Unveiling the Elite Tiers

The Ultimate Exoprimal Exosuit Guide: Unveiling the Elite Tiers

Discover the ultimate Exoprimal exosuit tier list! With a selection of 10 powerful exosuits to choose from, each offering unique abilities and playstyles, this guide will help players navigate their way to victory Unleash the true potential of S-rank exosuits like Barrage, Deadeye, Nimbus, and Krieger A-rank exosuits such as Roadblock, Zephyr, and Witchdoctor are just a step away from greatness And don't underestimate the B-rank exosuits, Vigilant, Skywave, and Murasame, which still pack a punch! Dominate the battlefield with the perfect exosuit choice in Exoprimal!

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Exoprimal Tier List (Best Exoprimal Exosuits)

S Rank - The Best Of The Best

A Rank - Just Shy Of Greatness

B Rank - Above Average

In Exoprimal, a player's effectiveness is determined by the exosuit they wear. While pilots are able to freely navigate the wargame, they will quickly find themselves outnumbered by a swarm of hungry dinosaurs. To endure the challenges of Leviathan's testing grounds, players will require significant firepower. Luckily, a range of protective exosuits have been specially designed to aid brave players in confronting their reptilian adversaries.

Each exosuit in Exoprimal possesses its own unique set of skills and abilities, making them invaluable assets for both the formidable Leviathan A.I. and its human victims. However, some exosuits are considerably more powerful than others in their current state. Skilled players may be able to surpass their opponents even with a weaker exosuit, but there are those that are simply easier to master and maneuver. The following Exoprimal exosuit tier list examines the current situation in the dinosaur survival action game, offering players insight into which class they may prefer to utilize in order to survive the relentless wargame and compete against other players.

Exoprimal Tier List (Best Exoprimal Exosuits)

The Ultimate Exoprimal Exosuit Guide: Unveiling the Elite Tiers

S Rank - The Best Of The Best

In Exoprimal, players have the option to choose from a total of 10 exosuits. Fortunately, all of these exosuits are functional and none of them are inherently subpar. However, there are a few that clearly outshine the rest, while others could benefit from a boost or require a higher level of skill to master. The developers have exciting plans to introduce numerous new variations for these exosuits, starting with the Alpha variants arriving in August, followed by the release of the Beta variants in early next year. These new additions will undoubtedly revolutionize the game and expand the existing tier list. With that being said, let's take a current snapshot of the state of Exoprimal's classes.

Currently, the S-Rank tier is occupied by four exosuits: Barrage, Deadeye, Nimbus, and Krieger. These exosuits not only excel in their capabilities but also command immense respect on the battlefield. Let's delve into the unique attributes of each class and understand why they stand as the best of the best.


Barrage is an exceptional exosuit designed specifically for wiping out groups of dinosaurs. With its impressive arsenal of explosives, it has the ability to swiftly eliminate packs of smaller dinosaurs such as raptors. In addition to its incredible area-of-effect damage, Barrage also possesses the Overdrive ability, which allows it to soar through the air like a missile and cause devastating damage to larger targets or rival players. A well-executed barrage not only cleanses the battlefield rapidly but also creates a formidable barrier and applies intense pressure on opposing players.

The Ultimate Exoprimal Exosuit Guide: Unveiling the Elite Tiers


The perfect choice for beginners, Deadeye is a versatile exosuit designed for dealing damage. If you're in search of a straightforward dinosaur exterminator, look no further than Deadeye. His assault rifle is effective against both smaller and larger dinosaurs, and his included rifle grenade packs a punch in areas of effect. In addition, Deadeye can dodge incoming attacks and unleash a powerful palm strike to push back enemies. When things get hairy, his Overdrive ability lets loose a barrage of bullets, making him invaluable for clearing hordes or inflicting massive damage on formidable foes.

The Ultimate Exoprimal Exosuit Guide: Unveiling the Elite Tiers


Nimbus stands out as the top-tier support exosuit due to her exceptional capability of simultaneously healing allies and inflicting damage. This exosuit is equipped with two guns that seamlessly switch between healing and damage modes, granting her the ability to defend herself while providing healing support to her teammates from a distance. Additionally, she possesses a cunning hologram that allows her to deceive opponents, evade harm, and teleport. Furthermore, with her barrage attack, players can choose to inflict damage or provide healing, depending on the mode selected. Upon activating her Overdrive, Nimbus releases a powerful shockwave that can either heal or deal damage, establishing her as an extremely versatile unit in the hands of a skilled operator.

The Ultimate Exoprimal Exosuit Guide: Unveiling the Elite Tiers


A Rank - Just Shy Of Greatness

Krieger is undoubtedly the top-tier tank in the game, known for his formidable minigun that allows him to effortlessly obliterate any small foes across the battlefield. This colossal weapon serves to subdue and repel adversaries, although it necessitates periodic cooldown periods to prevent overheating when utilized excessively. Additionally, Krieger possesses lock-on homing missiles, which have the ability to immobilize targets within their vicinity, and his agility is enhanced by thrusters, enabling him to deftly avoid incoming attacks. Moreover, his Reflective Dome Shield provides a formidable barrier against minor adversaries and can even incapacitate larger dinosaurs, although it may fracture upon contact with a massive creature. Notably, this defensive measure proves invaluable when safeguarding teammates from rival players. Lastly, Krieger's Overdrive ability is truly devastating, summoning a hail of explosive ordnance to decimate a precise location.


Krieger's dome shield and suppressive firepower make him an overall more effective tank, but Roadblock still offers valuable utility, particularly when utilized as an off-tank. Despite being a pure melee exosuit, Roadblock can erect a substantial mobile shield that not only pushes back but also stuns enemies. He possesses the ability to taunt dinosaurs, ensuring that he diverts their attention while other players swiftly eliminate them. Furthermore, his Overdrive ability manifests as a formidable tornado capable of drawing enemies near (which can subsequently be activated again to forcefully propel them away).

The Ultimate Exoprimal Exosuit Guide: Unveiling the Elite Tiers


Zephyr, another melee-only exosuit, is a formidable damage-dealer known for his lightning-fast attacks. Capable of inflicting substantial damage on both small and large dinosaurs, Zephyr possesses a kit that grants him impressive mobility. Swift dodges, a powerful kicking maneuver that propels him into the air, and a far-reaching and devastating thrusting attack are among his arsenal. By activating his Overdrive, he pushes his system to its limits, gaining incredible speed, deadliness, and significantly reduced cooldowns. While Zephyr excels at dispatching hordes of enemies and poses a considerable threat against rival players, his reliance on a proficient healer and vulnerability to focused attacks and stuns make sustained survival and ranged combat a challenge.

The Ultimate Exoprimal Exosuit Guide: Unveiling the Elite Tiers


A dedicated support, Witchdoctor is a straight-forward healer that utilizes both single-target healing through their Feed ability and an AOE healing circle. Additionally, they possess a leaping skill to evade enemy attacks and a close-range Neuro Rod weapon that can paralyze small enemies and players. Their Overdrive ability is particularly valuable as it not only fully heals allies but also enhances their defense for a short period of time. Furthermore, if nearby, it can impede the movement of enemy players. Although Witchdoctor excels in healing, they lack the ability to deal damage like Nimbus.

B Rank - Above Average

The Ultimate Exoprimal Exosuit Guide: Unveiling the Elite Tiers


Vigilant, the defacto sniper, surpasses her exosuit counterparts with her exceptional range. However, mastering her requires a higher skill level due to her aim-intensive abilities. She wields a charging sniper rifle that inflicts more damage when fully charged, featuring a variable zoom for precise targeting. Additionally, she possesses a high-powered laser shot that deals area-of-effect and piercing damage. In her arsenal, she carries a Frost Lock throwable, capable of freezing enemies upon impact. This versatile tool can be used to incapacitate enemy players or strategically set as a trap on the ground, freezing unsuspecting adversaries who venture into its vicinity. Exhibiting immense firepower, her Overdrive ability overloads her gun, enabling every shot to unleash maximum charge for a brief period. This attribute proves invaluable when engaging colossal dinosaurs or eliminating rival players. Although Vigilant excels at dealing concentrated damage to single targets, she falls short against other damage dealers who possess superior area-of-effect capabilities and pressure.

The Ultimate Exoprimal Exosuit Guide: Unveiling the Elite Tiers


Skywave is a unique support character who excels at both healing her allies and dealing damage to dinosaurs. Her primary weapon shoots rays of exploding light, causing damage to enemies and healing her teammates. In addition, she is equipped with an Optics Jammer that not only blinds foes but also provides healing to her allies.

Her distinctive ability allows her to take to the sky, avoiding harm while simultaneously raining down damage and healing from above. Skywave also possesses crowd control capabilities with her Graviton Cage, which pulls enemies inward, and her Overdrive ability, which activates an area-of-effect burst that immobilizes all enemies (while slowing down actual players) for a brief period.

While Skywave can be incredibly useful, she is typically more effective as a secondary healer rather than a primary one.

The Ultimate Exoprimal Exosuit Guide: Unveiling the Elite Tiers


Murasame falls short in comparison to Roadblock and Krieger in terms of tanking dinosaurs and protecting the team, despite having the potential to deal decent damage. He is more effective as an off-tank since he lacks any shielding methods. While he shares a taunting ability with Roadblock through his Crescent Moon move, it is not as instinctive as his bulkier counterparts. By using his grappling hook, Murasame can quickly pull himself towards enemies or other players, granting him the opportunity to execute an additional jump or a downward-thrust attack. His primary strength lies in his parry ability, which absorbs damage from all directions and enables him to counter-attack. If he manages to absorb enough damage during a parry, he gains a brief damage boost. Unfortunately, Murasame's limited range, absence of shielding, and dependence on parrying attacks result in a higher skill requirement and lesser versatility compared to Roadblock and Krieger.