Exoprimal: The Ultimate Guide to Epic Adventures with Friends

Exoprimal: The Ultimate Guide to Epic Adventures with Friends

Exoprimal offers thrilling cross-platform play, allowing players to connect with friends and engage with randomly-selected others Enjoy the captivating experience across PlayStation 4 & 5, Xbox One or S/X, and Steam Discover the ultimate multiplayer adventure!

Exoprimal is an action-packed multiplayer third-person shooter game that revolves around obliterating dinosaurs. To maximize their chances of victory against the massive swarms of reptilian foes, numerous players will strive to team up with their friends and face the hordes together.

Although Exoprimal does not offer complete cross-platform play, it does introduce a captivating feature at launch: crossover play with friends who are on the same platform. Nevertheless, to go head-to-head with both dinosaurs and fellow players in the company of friends, players must acquaint themselves with the process of connecting with others on their chosen platform.

Playing Exoprimal With PlayStation 4 & 5 Friends

Exoprimal: The Ultimate Guide to Epic Adventures with Friends

To play Exoprimal on PlayStation 4 or PlayStation 5 together, players need to create or log in to a Capcom account for crossplay.

Press the PS center button.

Select the party menu.

Choose the Invite to Game option.

Select the friends to invite to a game.

Playing Exoprimal With Xbox One or Xbox S/X Friends

Exoprimal: The Ultimate Guide to Epic Adventures with Friends

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To enable crossplay between Xbox One and Series S or X, players must create or log in to a Capcom account.

Select the Xbox menu.

Select the friend to invite from the friends list.

Invite them to play Exoprimal with the invite button.

Playing Exoprimal With Steam Friends

Exoprimal: The Ultimate Guide to Epic Adventures with Friends

Playing the dinosaur-filled Exoprimal with friends on Steam is fairly straightforward. Add the friend to the Steam friend list, then follow these steps:

Press SHIFT + TAB while in the game. This will open the Steam overlay.

Go to the Friend's menu.

Click on the friend and hit "invite."

Will Exoprimal Ever Have True Crossplay?

Exoprimal: The Ultimate Guide to Epic Adventures with Friends

While no definite announcement has been made, there is a possibility that Exoprimal may open its doors to full crossplay. Although not currently part of the game's roadmap, Capcom has indicated that they are considering this option. Presently, players can engage in random crossplay matches across PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series S/X, indicating that the groundwork for seamless crossplay may already be underway.

Exoprimal is available for PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox S/X.