The Tragic Reality of Being a Pokemon Fan for 25 Years

The Tragic Reality of Being a Pokemon Fan for 25 Years

Devoted Pokemon fan left devastated after discovering their beloved original Game Boy handheld is no longer functioning properly, leaving them unable to play their cherished Pokemon Blue game after 25 years

A devoted follower of Pokemon has recently faced a heartbreaking loss of all their caught Pokemon in the game of Pokemon Blue, as they discovered that the save battery in their cartridge has failed after 25 years. As one of the most popular games on the Game Boy console, the original Pokemon games have made a significant impact on the gaming industry by extending the lifespan of Nintendo's handheld console.

As with all other Game Boy games, Pokemon Red and Blue were designed to be saved through battery-powered cartridges. Nonetheless, this approach poses a challenge since the batteries inevitably run out, resulting in players losing their saved progress unless they replace the battery within the cartridge.

After 25 years, Reddit user totallylegitnesss faced a devastating loss when the battery in their Pokemon Blue cartridge died, rendering them unable to access their beloved Pokemon, including their prized Blastoise, fondly nicknamed Mizukame. Though they attempted to replace the battery and begin anew, their original save file was irretrievably lost. This unfortunate reality not only affects this particular user but also many longtime Pokemon fans who may encounter similar issues when revisiting their old cartridges. As a result, some fans have expressed a desire to see the original Pokemon games re-released on modern hardware, as the current options are limited. While Nintendo has released some classic Pokemon games on the 3DS, the eShop has since shut down, and there are no Game Boy games available on the Nintendo Switch, despite the handheld section in the Switch Online subscription service.

Not only would bringing the original Pokemon games to the Switch offer a convenient way for fans to revisit their childhood memories without worrying about save batteries dying, but it could also potentially pave the way for fans to catch some of the original Pokemon and transfer them to Pokemon Home. Moreover, compatibility with Pokemon Stadium could also be a possibility, which is currently playable through the Switch Online Expansion Pack but lacks the crucial feature of transferring Pokemon from the Game Boy games to the Nintendo 64 release. While it remains to be seen if classic Pokemon games will ever make their way onto Switch Online, fans may want to check if their original game saves are still accessible.