The Surprising Truth About Star Wars Eclipse's Pros and Cons

The Surprising Truth About Star Wars Eclipse's Pros and Cons

Star Wars Eclipse's innovative approach to storytelling through user-influenced choices presents exciting possibilities for players However, the challenge of staying true to the franchise canon may prove difficult to navigate

Quantic Dream's announcement of their upcoming game, Star Wars Eclipse, at the 2021 Game Awards left some fans feeling hesitant. The developer, known for their narrative-driven and cinematic titles, may not deliver the action-packed gameplay that traditional Star Wars games are known for. Instead, with a focus on the High Republic-era storyline, players can expect a game filled with dramatic intrigue rather than blaster fire. Despite this, the unique setting of the Outer Rim and politically charged storyline are sure to appeal to franchise fans. However, the introduction of player choice may lead to unintended consequences, adding a new level of excitement to the game.

Star Wars Eclipse’s Multiple Protagonists Create New Storytelling Possibilities

The Surprising Truth About Star Wars Eclipse's Pros and Cons

Star Wars Eclipse boasts an exciting feature that sets it apart from other games - multiple protagonists. This means players have the opportunity to view the game's storyline from different angles, adding depth and intrigue. The game's focus is on the political intrigues of the Zaraan race, a new species created for this game. By following the events through the perspectives of various characters, players are in for a thrilling ride and one of the most captivating Star Wars stories yet.

While Star Wars Eclipse will undoubtedly feature action-packed sequences fitting of a space opera, it is unlikely to solely focus on its branching narrative. However, player choice will undoubtedly play a significant role in the game's direction - something that studio founder and gaming auteur David Cage emphasized in a 2022 interview. By retaining the "fundamentals" of Quantic Dream's previous games, players' actions will undoubtedly shape the story in meaningful ways.

A User-Influenced Narrative Could Make Star Wars Eclipse’s Canon Connections Tricky

The Surprising Truth About Star Wars Eclipse's Pros and Cons

By departing from the familiar characters and storylines of the Star Wars franchise, Star Wars Eclipse has the potential to offer players a refreshing gaming experience. However, this departure also presents a challenge in terms of connecting the game to the broader Star Wars universe. With the upcoming focus on the High Republic era in other media, there is a risk that Star Wars Eclipse may be left in an awkward position. If the game's outcome is made canon, it could limit the possibilities for players and diminish their enjoyment. On the other hand, an open-ended finale may make it difficult to incorporate the game into other Star Wars media beyond casual references.

Allowing players to shape the narrative in Star Wars Eclipse is a daring and intelligent move for the franchise. However, it presents a challenge to maintain a balance between granting genuine autonomy and aligning with Disney's established canon. Regardless of the outcome, Star Wars Eclipse promises to offer a distinctive addition to the constantly growing Star Wars universe. It is currently in its initial development stages.