The Surprising Connection Between Ahsoka's Inquisitor and a Star Wars Original Trilogy Mystery

The Surprising Connection Between Ahsoka's Inquisitor and a Star Wars Original Trilogy Mystery

Ahsoka's Inquisitor: Unraveling a Star Wars Original Trilogy Mystery Delve into the enigma surrounding the presence of Inquisitors during the original trilogy, as Ahsoka's revelation raises intriguing questions and invites speculation on their whereabouts


The upcoming Ahsoka show will introduce a new Inquisitor to Star Wars canon, potentially creating a plot hole in the original trilogy.

The show's incorporation of a previous Inquisitor brings up unresolved queries regarding their timeline and whereabouts during the original trilogy. Star Wars has the ability to address this narrative gap by clarifying the absence of Inquisitors through upcoming books and comics, or by delving into Marrok's backstory in Ahsoka.

The upcoming Ahsoka series on Disney+ will introduce a new Inquisitor to the Star Wars canon, potentially raising questions about the original trilogy's storyline. The Imperial Inquisitors, originally depicted in Star Wars Rebels, were former Jedi who turned to the dark side and were tasked with hunting down their own kind under Darth Vader's command. Over the years, various Star Wars media have explored and expanded upon the Inquisitors' history, including Ahsoka, which will feature a former Inquisitor named Marrok, now aligned with Morgan Elsbeth.

However, despite the extensive coverage of the Inquisitors' backstory, there remains a gap in their timeline that Ahsoka could further complicate. Inquisitor Marrok's past affiliation with the Empire will undoubtedly raise curiosity among viewers, potentially sparking unanswered questions about the Inquisitors' overall role. By skillfully addressing these lingering mysteries, Ahsoka has the opportunity to craft a captivating narrative that seamlessly integrates with the original Star Wars trilogy, or alternatively, unintentionally creates a continuity issue.

Ahsoka Confirms Inquisitors Were Around During The Original Trilogy - So Where Were They?

The Surprising Connection Between Ahsoka's Inquisitor and a Star Wars Original Trilogy Mystery

How Star Wars Can Explain Its Original Trilogy Inquisitor Plot Hole

The Surprising Connection Between Ahsoka's Inquisitor and a Star Wars Original Trilogy Mystery

There are several ways to address the plot hole in the original trilogy of Star Wars concerning the Inquisitors. One possible solution is to explore this issue in a future book or comic series, where it is revealed that Luke did indeed confront the Inquisitors during the Galactic Civil War. However, this still does not explain why these Inquisitors do not make recurring appearances as villains in the ongoing Marvel Star Wars comics. Another approach could involve providing a plausible explanation for the absence of Marrok and the other Inquisitors during the war. Just like the introduction of new Jedi characters who were either killed or trapped elsewhere, this explanation would clarify their absence or lack of mention in the original trilogy.

During the Galactic Civil War, if Marrok had been the last remaining Inquisitor, it is possible that he chose to escape instead of facing the consequences of a failed mission. The Grand Inquisitor, out of fear for Vader, deliberately allowed himself to perish, only to have his spirit become trapped on Tempes, where he was compelled to protect a Jedi outpost. Alternatively, the Inquisitors may have faced exile due to repeatedly disappointing the Sith, or they might have orchestrated a coup wherein Marrok was the sole survivor. Ahsoka possesses numerous potential explanations for the Inquisitors' whereabouts during the original trilogy, offering the opportunity to shape Marrok as an intriguing and captivating character.