The Shocking Demise of Jacen Syndulla: Unveiling the Heart-Wrenching Star Wars Theory

The Shocking Demise of Jacen Syndulla: Unveiling the Heart-Wrenching Star Wars Theory

Prepare for a heart-wrenching twist in the Star Wars universe as Kylo Ren's destructive path collides with Jacen Syndulla's Jedi aspirations Brace yourself for an inevitable tragedy that will leave fans in shock


Jacen Syndulla, the son of Kanan and Hera, wants to be a Jedi like his late father, and if he shows discipline, he has the potential to be a great one.

Being one of the few remaining Force-wielders, Jacen possesses substantial worth as an asset to the New Republic and the galaxy. However, the unfortunate obliteration of Luke Skywalker's Jedi Academy on Ossus by Kylo Ren has cast a pessimistic shadow over Jacen's prospects of becoming a Jedi.

Ahsoka has brought back a vital character from Star Wars Rebels, but a new theory suggests that Kylo Ren will ultimately kill Jacen Syndulla. Jacen, the child of Jedi Knight Kanan Jarrus and General Hera Syndulla, has only appeared twice in Star Wars, yet his destiny may already be predetermined. In the third episode of Ahsoka, Jacen briefly expresses his desire to become a Jedi, following in the footsteps of his late father, to his mother.

In Ahsoka, Jacen Syndulla is about ten years old, which makes him older than the traditional younglings of the previous Jedi Order. Nevertheless, he could be an ideal candidate to join Luke Skywalker's academy if he possesses the same Force abilities as his father and can cultivate discipline. Pursuing his dream, though, might prove deadly for Jacen, as his fellow student Ben Solo may be the one destined to end his life.

Jacen Syndulla Has The Force - And Wants To Be A Jedi

The Shocking Demise of Jacen Syndulla: Unveiling the Heart-Wrenching Star Wars Theory

Throughout the Star Wars saga, it is evident that Jedi descendants are born with a strong affinity for the Force. Luke Skywalker, Leia Organa, and Ben Solo all inherited their powers from their Jedi parents. Considering that Kanan Jarrus, Jacen Syndulla's father, was a Jedi, it is expected that Jacen would possess a powerful connection to the Force and be a worthy successor. However, even if Jacen does not possess the typical Jedi Force abilities, Sabine Wren's example proves that one can still become a Jedi without it. This approach of training non-Force-sensitive individuals as Jedi is a clever way to ensure the preservation and transmission of Jedi knowledge.

If Jacen can demonstrate the necessary focus and discipline required to be a Jedi, there is no valid reason why he should be denied the opportunity to train. Given the scarcity of Force wielders in the Star Wars timeline following the events of Return of the Jedi, Jacen's training as a Jedi would undoubtedly make him a valuable asset to the New Republic and the entire galaxy. Although his mother Hera may be hesitant to let him go due to what happened to Kanan, Jacen's abilities, whatever they may be, were bestowed upon him for a greater purpose of serving the Force.

Luke Skywalker Is Establishing His Jedi Temple

The Shocking Demise of Jacen Syndulla: Unveiling the Heart-Wrenching Star Wars Theory

If Jacen Syndulla desires to become a Jedi, it would be most sensible for Hera to send him to Luke Skywalker's Jedi Academy on Ossus for training. Currently, the academy is still in its early stages, and with Grogu's departure, Luke is in need of enthusiastic students who are eager to learn and carry the Jedi legacy forward. The exact age at which Luke recruits his younglings remains unclear, as evidenced by the Star Wars sequels where Ben Solo did not begin his training with Luke as an infant, but rather around the same age as Jacen.

Although Hera Syndulla has several potential candidates to train Jacen, Luke Skywalker is the most qualified choice. While Ahsoka Tano is instructing Sabine Wren in the ways of the Jedi, Luke's academy provides the opportunity for Jacen to learn alongside peers of his own age. Ezra Bridger would be a natural choice considering his connection to Kanan, but it is uncertain if the missing Jedi is ready to take on an apprentice at this time. With his training under Obi-Wan Kenobi and Yoda, Luke possesses a greater understanding of traditional Jedi teachings, enabling him to impart this knowledge to his students.

Luke's Jedi Temple Is Destroyed By Kylo Ren

The Shocking Demise of Jacen Syndulla: Unveiling the Heart-Wrenching Star Wars Theory

In Star Wars: The Last Jedi, Ben Solo's actions led to the destruction of Luke's Jedi Academy. Some of Luke's students chased after him while the rest were presumably killed. The lightning that razed the temple could be attributed to Ben's anger or Palpatine's influence from a distance, resulting in the death of all the Jedi present. If Jacen Syndulla was not at the academy during this unfortunate event, Kylo Ren's purpose would be to track down any surviving Jedi. While this conclusion may be disheartening for a character recently introduced to the audience, it seems probable that Jacen's prospects in the Star Wars universe would be grim if he were to undergo Jedi training under Luke Skywalker.