The Secret Behind Anakin Skywalker's Endearing Nickname for Ahsoka in Star Wars

The Secret Behind Anakin Skywalker's Endearing Nickname for Ahsoka in Star Wars

Anakin calls Ahsoka Snips due to her sharp, feisty demeanor Their endearing nicknames reflect their unique bond Discover the significance of Anakin's nickname for Ahsoka in Ahsoka Episode 4

Warning! This article contains SPOILERS for Ahsoka episode 4.


When they initially crossed paths, Anakin Skywalker dubbed Ahsoka Tano as "Snips" due to her snappy demeanor, which gradually transformed into a symbol of fondness and reciprocal regard. Conversely, Ahsoka initially referred to Anakin as "Skyguy" to provoke him, yet it eventually evolved into a term of affection as he staunchly protected her, imparted invaluable wisdom, and viewed her as a companion.

In Ahsoka episode 4, Anakin referring to Ahsoka as "Snips" serves as both fan service and a poignant reminder of his redeemed self, emphasizing the enduring bond and care they have for each other. The significance of Anakin Skywalker using the nickname "Snips" for Ahsoka Tano in Ahsoka and other Star Wars narratives lies in their history. Ahsoka was Anakin's apprentice throughout the Clone Wars, and despite a rocky start, their relationship evolved into one of close friendship and mutual trust. Anakin imparted valuable life lessons to Ahsoka, including combat skills, self-defense, and the importance of following her instincts, even if they deviated from the Jedi code. This profound influence of Anakin on Ahsoka's character development remains evident even after years have passed, as demonstrated in the Ahsoka Disney+ TV series.

Despite the significant importance of their relationship, Ahsoka and Anakin also inflicted deep emotional wounds upon each other. Ahsoka made the difficult decision to leave the Jedi Order and Anakin behind after being falsely accused by the Jedi Council of treason in Star Wars: The Clone Wars. On the other hand, Ahsoka had to come to terms with the unsettling reality that her former mentor had transformed into the formidable Darth Vader, a revelation she learned in Star Wars Rebels. While Ahsoka and Anakin's relationship has faced various challenges, their endearing nicknames for one another have remained a constant. Ahsoka will forever be known as "Snips," and Anakin, on a profound level, will always be "Skyguy."

Anakin Calls Ahsoka "Snips" Because Of Her Snippy Attitude

The Secret Behind Anakin Skywalker's Endearing Nickname for Ahsoka in Star Wars

Anakin & Ahsoka's Nicknames Reflect Their Relationship

When Ahsoka and Anakin crossed paths for the first time in the Star Wars: The Clone Wars film, Anakin became frustrated by the fact that he had been assigned a Padawan. On the other hand, Ahsoka found herself overwhelmed, displaying an excessive level of confidence as a young and inexperienced Jedi venturing into a war zone for the first time. Anakin provoked her, leading to squabbles akin to those between siblings. It didn't take long for Ahsoka to acquire a reputation for needling him with her cheeky and exasperating demeanor, all the while expressing a desire to learn from him. To provoke a reaction, Ahsoka playfully addressed Anakin as "Skyguy," and in retaliation, he affectionately referred to her as "Snips."

The Secret Behind Anakin Skywalker's Endearing Nickname for Ahsoka in Star Wars

While originally intended to be teasing, these nicknames transitioned into expressions of fondness and mutual respect over the course of their Master and Padawan relationship. Initially given the moniker "Snips" due to her sharp demeanor, Ahsoka eventually grasped the underlying message that she should have faith in herself and that she had proven her worthiness. Anakin had borne witness to her remarkable growth, and "Snips" acted as a reminder of her humble beginnings and triumphant achievements.

Why Anakin Calls Ahsoka "Snips" In Ahsoka Episode 4

Anakin, once known as Skyguy to Ahsoka, started off as a nickname used to tease and annoy him. However, as their bond grew stronger, Ahsoka began to use it as a term of affection. To her, he will always be Skyguy - the man who defended her from the accusations of the Council, the one who imparted life-saving lessons during Order 66, and someone who viewed her not just as a Padawan, but as a true friend. These endearing monikers serve as a testament to the deepening connection between them throughout their shared experiences in the Clone Wars.

The Secret Behind Anakin Skywalker's Endearing Nickname for Ahsoka in Star Wars

In Ahsoka episode 4, titled "Part Four: Fallen Jedi," Ahsoka has an encounter with Anakin in The World Between Worlds. This dimension serves as a connection between all of space and time. Ahsoka finds herself here after being defeated by Baylan Skoll while attempting to prevent Morgan Elsbeth from obtaining the coordinates needed to locate Thrawn. As Ahsoka awakens, she hears the familiar voice of Anakin calling her by her nickname, Snips, once again. While this moment of Anakin referring to Ahsoka as Snips is undoubtedly a nod to fans, who adore the relationship between the two characters in The Clone Wars, there is more significance to it than mere fanservice.

The last time Ahsoka laid eyes on Anakin, she came face to face with his alter ego, Darth Vader. In Season 2, Episode 19 of Star Wars Rebels, titled "Twilight of the Apprentice," Ahsoka was compelled to engage in a fierce duel with Vader to ensure the safe escape of her comrades from the clutches of the Dark Lord of the Sith. This occurrence marks a tragic moment in the annals of Star Wars, as Ahsoka was burdened by the belief that her own abandonment of Anakin and the Jedi Order during The Clone Wars directly contributed to his descent into darkness. She yearned to rectify her past actions in that very moment. However, it was evident that Anakin had irrevocably succumbed to the identity of Vader by then.

Therefore, when Ahsoka crosses paths with Anakin once again in "The World Between Worlds" during Episode 4 of the Ahsoka series, and he affectionately refers to her as "Snips," it serves as an indication that this is truly Anakin – the version of him that resurfaced after Luke Skywalker redeemed him. This version of Anakin is the one Ahsoka could always rely on. Despite all that had transpired since the ill-fated day when Ahsoka departed from the Jedi Order and left Anakin behind, they remain the same individuals who cared deeply for one another and gleaned invaluable lessons from their bond. Anakin's use of the nickname "Snips" in the Ahsoka series is a testament to this enduring connection.

Ahsoka releases new episodes Tuesdays at 6pm PT / 9pm ET on Disney+.