The Return of Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic

The Return of Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic

A look into the potential return of the beloved game series, Knights of the Old Republic, to the Star Wars canon.

The Time Has Come for KOTOR to Return

The galaxy far, far away is ripe with tales of adventure, conflict, and the eternal struggle between light and dark. Among the myriad stories that have captivated audiences, one stands out as a timeless classic - Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic, or KOTOR. Originally developed and released by BioWare in 2003, KOTOR quickly became a fan favorite with its compelling narrative, player-driven choices, and immersive gameplay. However, in 2014, the game was relegated to the realm of Star Wars Legends, leaving many fans yearning for its return to canon. With the recent success of the High Republic series shedding light on the era preceding the prequels, the time is ripe for KOTOR to once again claim its place in the official Star Wars lore.

Promo for Knights of the Old Republic featuring the Jedi Bastila Shan and Sith Lord Dark Malak in the background

Promo for Knights of the Old Republic featuring the Jedi Bastila Shan and Sith Lord Dark Malak in the background

The allure of KOTOR lies not only in its captivating storytelling and rich gameplay but also in the uncharted territory it represents within the Star Wars timeline. The Old Republic Era, a period shrouded in mystery and ripe with potential, remains largely unexplored in Disney's official Star Wars canon. While glimpses of this era have been seen in various forms, the true depth of the Republic's infancy and the conflicts that shaped its destiny have yet to be fully realized. This presents a golden opportunity for KOTOR to reemerge, breathing new life into the history of the Jedi, the Sith, and the Mandalorians, all while seamlessly complementing the existing narrative landscape.

Revan vs Bastilla in KOTOR.

Revan vs Bastilla in KOTOR.

The Enduring Legacy of Knights of the Old Republic

Since its debut, Knights of the Old Republic has stood as a testament to the enduring power of storytelling and the Star Wars legacy. The game's impact was immediate, with the original release becoming the fastest-selling title on the Xbox in 2003, a testament to its widespread appeal and resonance with fans. The success of the first game was further solidified by the release of its sequel, Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II, and both titles have continued to captivate audiences through re-releases on various platforms, showcasing the timeless allure of the series.

KOTOR HK-47 Limited Edition

KOTOR HK-47 Limited Edition

The resounding popularity of KOTOR has not gone unnoticed by Disney, as evidenced by the acknowledgment of its enduring demand by Sean Shoptaw, Disney's head of gaming. With the impending remake of the original game and the tantalizing prospect of its inclusion in the official Star Wars canon, the stage is set for a triumphant return of Knights of the Old Republic, rekindling the fervor of longtime fans and captivating a new generation of enthusiasts.

A playable party standing in front of the Ebon Hawk in Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic.

A playable party standing in front of the Ebon Hawk in Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic.

The Path to Canon: A New Chapter for KOTOR

The journey back to canon for Knights of the Old Republic has been paved with tantalizing hints and promising developments. Concepts and ideas from the KOTOR series have found their way into the official Star Wars canon, signaling a compelling connection between the revered game and the overarching narrative of the saga. As the Old Republic Era itself has been embraced as part of the official lore, the prospect of KOTOR's return to canon grows increasingly tangible, offering a wealth of untold stories and unexplored potential waiting to be unveiled.

Kotor ending

Kotor ending

While the fate of the KOTOR remake remains uncertain, the fervent anticipation surrounding its potential release serves as a testament to the enduring legacy of the series. With the possibility of a new trilogy of movies or a renewed narrative within the official canon, the return of Knights of the Old Republic promises an exciting new chapter in the Star Wars saga, one that will unite fans both old and new in celebration of an iconic and beloved franchise.

Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic The Sith Lords

Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic The Sith Lords