The Multi-faceted Personality of Zelda's Purah – Beyond the Paraglider NPC

Purah's transformation in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom elevates her from a simple NPC to a key player in the fight against Ganondorf Her evolution adds depth and emotion to the game's overarching narrative, making her a standout character
Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom has successfully improved on its predecessor by giving more depth and importance to the characters within its main narrative. Despite the freedom for players to explore Hyrule in any order they please, the story seamlessly ties together through various locations, particularly through the inclusion of characters like Purah. Unlike in Breath of the Wild where she was merely a one-time NPC, Purah's role in this game has evolved significantly, making her a more integral part of the story. Similarly, even the replacement for King Rhoam has a more prominent role in both the present storyline and Hyrule's past memories.
Link's Paraglider in Tears of the Kingdom
In contrast to Breath of the Wild, where the paraglider is gifted to Link by a ghostly king at the end of the tutorial section, in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom, Rauru imparts Link with new magic tools for upcoming puzzles, leaving the paraglider to be obtained from Purah. Purah, who plays a more significant role in the game than just a tool provider, is the central point of the main quest to explore new dungeons across Hyrule, making her character crucial to the plot and giving her a deeper connection to the story compared to King Rhoam in Breath of the Wild. The quest to receive the paraglider from Purah sets the stage for the story and equips Link with a new way to fill out the map.
Purah Leads Hyrule to Fight Ganondorf
Throughout Tears of the Kingdom, Purah's role goes beyond merely setting Link on his journey through Hyrule and taking a backseat for the rest of the game. She becomes the focal point of various side quests and main storylines, requiring players to update her with their findings periodically. This is particularly evident after completing the Regional Phenomena quest and exploring the four main dungeons, where returning to Purah sets the stage for the ultimate confrontation with Ganondorf.
As a result of these interwoven questlines, Purah's character has a much greater impact on the overall narrative of Tears of the Kingdom. She is no longer just the provider of the paraglider or the Purah Pad, but an essential figure in the game's storyline, surpassing her previous role in Breath of the Wild. Beyond the narrative, Purah also takes on significant responsibilities, serving as a leading figure in Hyrule during Princess Zelda's absence and Impa's retirement.
Lookout Landing, under the management of Purah, serves as a pivotal point for Link and other significant characters in Hyrule. Being the hub for the Zonai Survey Team and the Monster Control Crew, it plays a crucial role in the post-Calamity world. As the leader of this location in Tears of the Kingdom, Purah's influence on the player experience and world-building is noteworthy. Get your hands on The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom available now on the Switch.