The Hidden Origins Uncovered: Ahsoka Sheds Light on the Mysterious Predecessors of the Jedi

The Hidden Origins Uncovered: Ahsoka Sheds Light on the Mysterious Predecessors of the Jedi

Ahsoka's revelation unravels the enigmatic Zeffo's fate, shedding light on their ability to traverse galaxies This groundbreaking discovery suggests that the Zeffo may have departed the Star Wars Galaxy, leaving behind a lingering mystery

Warning! This article contains spoilers for Ahsoka episode 6.


Ahsoka episode 6 unveils an Easter egg that potentially unravels the enigma surrounding the fate of the Zeffo race in the Star Wars universe.

Introduced in the game Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order, the Zeffo were shrouded in mystery due to their mysterious disappearance. Nevertheless, Ahsoka episode 6 hints at their knowledge of intergalactic travel by featuring Zeffo runes on Peridea.

The Zeffo, who were introduced in Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order, may have left the Star Wars galaxy and established lives in another galaxy. This is why they are absent from the franchise and relates to Ahsoka's storyline in a different galaxy. Ahsoka episode 6 contains a significant Easter egg that refers to the Zeffo and potentially reveals where they went after disappearing. In the game, Cal Kestis, a Jedi survivor of Order 66, embarks on a quest to locate a Holocron with a list of Force-sensitive children. His mission takes him to the Zeffo's homeworld, where he seeks the necessary knowledge to access the Holocron from Eno Cordova, a respected Jedi Master with a deep admiration for the Zeffo.

The Zeffo's Fate Is A Mystery

- The Zeffo's enigmatic presence in the Star Wars Jedi universe has captivated fans, leaving them hungry for answers. However, the recent Easter egg in Ahsoka episode 6 carries much more weight than a mere homage to the games. It suggests that the show might hold the key to intertwining the future of the Star Wars Jedi narrative. Astonishingly, Ahsoka's appearance could potentially unveil the long-held secrets behind the Zeffo's disappearance from the galaxy for countless millennia. These enigmatic beings, who have wielded substantial influence on planets like Kashyyyk, Dathomir, and their own mysterious homeworld, have left an indelible mark on the history of the Star Wars universe.

The Hidden Origins Uncovered: Ahsoka Sheds Light on the Mysterious Predecessors of the Jedi

The Zeffo's role in the Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order storyline was significant, but their ultimate destiny remained shrouded in mystery. Yet, Star Wars Jedi: Survivor introduced a line of dialogue that offered a vague confirmation about their fate. Eno Cordova, who initially appeared as a hologram in the first game, makes an appearance as a character in Jedi: Survivor.

Ahsoka Easter Egg Reveals The Zeffo Knew How To Travel Between Galaxies

Eno Cordova, with his extensive knowledge of the Zeffo, is questioned about their fate in the sequel. According to Cordova, after their exploration of the Star Wars galaxy, the Zeffo ventured into the Outer Rim, where they mysteriously disappeared without a trace. The vanishing of the Zeffo remains a significant enigma within the Star Wars universe, particularly in the context of the Star Wars Jedi video game series.

The Hidden Origins Uncovered: Ahsoka Sheds Light on the Mysterious Predecessors of the Jedi

The enigmatic vanishing of the Zeffo may finally be unveiled in Ahsoka episode 6, shedding light on their conspicuous absence within the vast expanse of the Star Wars galaxy. Venturing to Peridea, an adjacent realm beyond the Star Wars universe, our explorers stumble upon a celestial construct, skillfully erected by the enigmatic Nightsisters. Deeply entwined with their ancient arts, this castle serves as the clandestine lair where the Nightsisters join forces with the esteemed Grand Admiral Thrawn.

The Zeffo Presumably Left The Star Wars Galaxy

As Shin Hati and Baylan Skoll exit the compound, a shot of the castle's exterior reveals intricate runes adorning its walls. Sharp-eyed Star Wars enthusiasts have deciphered these runes, which make reference to Kujet - a renowned Zeffo individual depicted in the Jedi: Fallen Order game who succumbed to the dark side of the Force. This discovery reveals that the Zeffo's influence extends far beyond the boundaries of the main Star Wars galaxy, reaching even planets in distant realms like Peridea. Hence, episode 6 of Ahsoka confirms that the Zeffo eventually acquired the knowledge of traversing between different galaxies.

The Hidden Origins Uncovered: Ahsoka Sheds Light on the Mysterious Predecessors of the Jedi

This Easter egg found in Ahsoka episode 6 potentially unravels the mystery surrounding the fate of the Zeffo. It is plausible to believe that this race, with their significant impact in another galaxy, departed the Star Wars galaxy in order to establish lives elsewhere. However, it is evident that Peridea, despite its association as a graveyard due to the death-related capabilities of the Nightsisters and the Purrgil using it as their final resting place, lacks a thriving civilization. Hence, during Ahsoka's time, Peridea does not possess strong ties to the Zeffo, except for the potential connection between the Nightsisters and Kujet.

However, it should be noted that the Zeffo may have a presence on other planets within Peridea's galaxy. This would not only provide an explanation for their disappearance, but also align with the broader Star Wars canon. While the Zeffo played a significant role in Jedi: Fallen Order, they have not been prominently featured in any other Star Wars story. One potential explanation for this could be Ahsoka's second Star Wars galaxy. Instead of remaining in the main galaxy depicted in the franchise, it is possible that the Zeffo ventured elsewhere, in pursuit of further exploration among the stars, thus accounting for their absence in Star Wars' history.

New episodes of Ahsoka are released every Tuesday at 6pm PT / 9pm ET on Disney+.