The Gravity Debate: A Hilariously Pedantic Look at the Death Star

The Gravity Debate: A Hilariously Pedantic Look at the Death Star

Star Wars fans have sparked a new debate, this time focused on the technical aspect of the Death Star's gravity. The debate has brought up a topic that has scarcely been discussed until now, and it has led to an intriguing and humorous discussion among fans.


Star Wars fans have kicked off another heated debate, but this time it's not about the sequels or the portrayal of women in the franchise. Instead, the focus is on a fascinating technical aspect of the planet-killing superweapon known as the Death Star.

Threads user mandalorian.princess discussing the gravity of the Death Star in Star Wars

Threads user mandalorian.princess discussing the gravity of the Death Star in Star Wars

The latest debate among Star Wars fans has brought up a topic that has scarcely been discussed until now. It revolves around a seemingly obscure but intriguing question: does the Death Star's gravity work from top to bottom or from outside to in?

Threads user jin.yo.face discussing the gravity of the Death Star in Star Wars

Threads user jin.yo.face discussing the gravity of the Death Star in Star Wars

This seemingly innocuous question has sparked a lively and creative discussion among fans, leading to a fascinating exploration of the intricacies of the Death Star's design and functionality.

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The Top-to-Bottom vs. Outside-to-In Gravity Debate

The debate was initiated by a fan named Squeakyweegee64, who shared an image on the official Star Wars subreddit illustrating a choice for fans: does the Death Star's gravity work from top to bottom or from outside to in? What might seem like an obvious answer at first glance has turned into a thought-provoking question with diverse interpretations.

The topic gained traction on the subreddit and quickly spread to other sites, igniting a wave of responses and theories from the Star Wars community. Fans have presented compelling arguments for both sides, drawing from official Star Wars media, LEGO set designs, and even the configuration of laser turrets on the Death Star's surface.

The debate has led to the realization that the interior and exterior of the Death Star may have different gravitational orientations, leading to the conclusion that, for the first time in Star Wars history, everyone may be right. This delightful paradox has added a new layer of complexity to the discussion, showcasing the creative and imaginative nature of the Star Wars fanbase.

Exploring the Intricacies of Death Star's Gravity

As the debate unfolded, fans delved deeper into the technical aspects and implications of the Death Star's gravity. Some fans raised the question of whether the station's gravity could be natural, given its massive size, or if artificial gravity would be more plausible. This opened up a whole new dimension of the debate, leading to discussions about the practicality and engineering considerations surrounding the Death Star's gravity.

Additionally, fans highlighted the inconsistencies in the portrayal of gravity in the Star Wars movies, pointing out the challenges of maintaining a coherent gravitational framework across different scenes and settings. The debate expanded to encompass the exhaust port design and the efficiency of the Empire's engineering choices, adding a humorous yet thought-provoking layer to the ongoing discussion.

The gravity debate has showcased the depth of the Star Wars fan community's engagement with the technical and conceptual aspects of the franchise, highlighting the enduring fascination with the minutiae of the iconic galaxy far, far away.