The Genetic Dynasty of Foundation: Clones, Thrones, and Intrigue
Exploring the lineage of the galaxy's rulers and the complexities of the Genetic Dynasty in the world of Foundation.
The Rise of the Genetic Dynasty
One of the most compelling facets of the world of Foundation is the lineage of the galaxy's rulers known as Empire.
The Cleonic Dynasty and Lady Demerzel in Foundation
Clones are a common trope in science fiction, but the show's use of them to create a genetic dynasty is an idea that's not only interesting but also well-executed.
Cassian Bilton as Brother Dawn, Lee Pace as Brother Day, and Terrance Mann as Brother Dusk in Foundation
The Genetic Dynasty, also referred to as the Cleonic Dynasty, is one of the major building blocks of the world of the show, allowing Empire to continue to play a centuries-long chess match with Hari Seldon across centuries.
An even blend of vanity, nobility, and bravado, every man to take to the throne and reside over Empire bears the same name and the same face.
Terrence Mann as Brother Night in Foundation looking at the body of Cleon I
As a result, the line of succession can be just as confusing, yet consistent, as it has been since season 1.
The Three Active Emperors
The Imperial Palace has three thrones, meaning three men share the title of Emperor.
Cassion Bilton as Brother Dawn and Lee Pace as Brother Day with his arm around Brother Dawn in Foundation
The leaders of Empire are intertwined with their roles and thus are referred to as 'Empire' when addressed or mentioned.
Lee Pace looking concerned as Brother Day in Foundation, alongside Laura Birn as Demerzel
The three active Cleon clones are of different ages, and a new Cleon is decanted following the death of the eldest.
Cassian Bilton as Brother Dawn in Foundation near a tank with a clone of himself inside
Each clone typically holds each title throughout their lives, passing through the monikers as they age.
Lee Pace looking confused as Brother Day in Foundation
Brother Day is the primary ruler from the center throne, while Brother Dawn's main role is to observe Day to prepare for his future, and Dusk serves mainly as mentor and advisor to Dawn and Day respectively.
The Immortality and Intrigue
The Cleonic Dynasty's continued existence is ironclad, with various processes in place to ensure the complex system is not disrupted.
Death isn't necessarily the end for a Cleon clone, as there is a protocol in place should a Cleon be unfortunate to perish before their time as Brother Darkness.
The DNA of the original Cleon has been tampered with, putting the Genetic Dynasty off-balance.
Cassian Bilton smiling slightly as Brother Dawn in Foundation
Suspects have been named as to who is responsible for the tampering, but the culprit is yet to be revealed.
In an attempt to stop the degradation of the DNA from being Empire's downfall, Cleon VXII attempts during his time as Brother Day to conceive Empire's next heir.