The Future of Rangers of the New Republic: Exploring the Journey After Gina Carano's Departure

The Future of Rangers of the New Republic: Exploring the Journey After Gina Carano's Departure

Gina Carano's Star Wars show, Rangers of the New Republic, faced cancellation due to her controversial remarks Discover why the show was axed and how its ideas have been integrated into other Star Wars projects

Article Overview

Cara Dune, played by Gina Carano, would have been the star of the canceled Disney+ TV show Rangers of the New Republic.

The show would have been a part of the "Mandoverse" and centered around the emergence of Grand Admiral Thrawn as a menace to the galaxy. Gina Carano's divisive posts on social media resulted in her termination, and the story elements from Rangers of the New Republic have been incorporated into other Star Wars series.

The Disney+ TV show "Rangers of the New Republic," which was set to feature Gina Carano as Cara Dune, was unfortunately canceled by Disney. During Disney's Investor Day 2020, Kathleen Kennedy, the head of Lucasfilm, announced a lineup of upcoming Star Wars TV shows. Among them were "Rangers of the New Republic," "Andor," "Ahsoka," "Obi-Wan Kenobi," "Star Wars: Visions," "Lando," "The Acolyte," "Star Wars: A Droid Story," and Patty Jenkins' "Rogue Squadron" movie.

Since then, several of these projects, including "Andor," "Ahsoka," "Obi-Wan Kenobi," and "Star Wars: Visions," have come to fruition. "The Acolyte," a TV show set during the High Republic Era that explores the emergence of the Sith, is scheduled to be released next year. "Lando," on the other hand, appears to have transitioned into a movie and is currently in the preproduction phase. Unfortunately, some of the announced projects, including "Rangers of the New Republic," have been canceled. In this article, we will delve into everything we know about the now-defunct Disney+ TV show and the reasons behind Lucasfilm's decision to pull the plug.

Rangers Of The New Republic Would Have Been Gina Carano's Star Wars Show

Cara Dune would surely have been in a starring role

The Future of Rangers of the New Republic: Exploring the Journey After Gina Carano's Departure

First introduced in season 1 of The Mandalorian, Cara Dune was a formidable warrior hailing from Alderaan. She had previously served as a shock trooper for the Rebel Alliance during the Galactic Civil War. Over time, she transitioned into a skilled mercenary and eventually forged a deep bond with Din Djarin, becoming an invaluable ally and even a trusted friend. Choosing to settle on Nevarro, Cara Dune assumed the role of the planet's Marshal. However, her talents caught the attention of the New Republic, who recognized her exceptional abilities. With hopes that she would join their ranks, specifically as one of their esteemed rangers stationed at Adelphi Base, an offer was extended to her. Portrayed by the talented martial artist Gina Carano, Cara Dune quickly became a beloved character among fans. Her established story arc strongly suggests her involvement in Lucasfilm's upcoming Disney+ TV show, Rangers of the New Republic, where she is likely to take center stage.

It has become apparent that Rangers of the New Republic would have seamlessly integrated into Lucasfilm's plans for what is sometimes referred to as the "Mandoverse." Lucasfilm has utilized The Mandalorian as a platform to introduce a range of Disney+ TV shows set approximately five years after Return of the Jedi. These shows all revolve around the rise of the formidable Grand Admiral Thrawn as a galactic threat. Ultimately, these interconnected storylines will culminate in a motion picture adaptation of Timothy Zahn's revered "Thrawn Trilogy" of novels. The film will be directed by Dave Filoni himself and will weave together all the diverse plot threads.

Star Wars' Gina Carano Controversy: Why Lucasfilm Fired Her

Carano became too controversial for Disney

The Future of Rangers of the New Republic: Exploring the Journey After Gina Carano's Departure

Carano sparked a major controversy in late 2020 due to her public expression of political views on social media. This included sharing transphobic jokes, posting anti-mask memes, and voicing support for election fraud conspiracy theories. As a result, her fans called for her dismissal, leading to a backlash. Reports suggest that Disney initially addressed Carano's social media usage, but she chose not to alter her approach. In February 2021, she caused further outrage by sharing disturbing posts regarding Jeffrey Epstein and the Holocaust. The hashtag #FireGinaCarano gained immense popularity, and on February 11, 2021, Lucasfilm officially confirmed the termination of Carano's contract.

What Happened To Rangers Of The New Republic?

Rangers of the New Republic has bee absorbed into other shows

The Future of Rangers of the New Republic: Exploring the Journey After Gina Carano's Departure

Lucasfilm refrained from commenting on the fate of Cara Dune, which sparked speculation regarding her potential recasting for Rangers of the New Republic. Replacing Carano would have posed challenges due to potential backlash from her fanbase. Recent reports suggest that Rangers of the New Republic was at an early stage of development, and its premature announcement was influenced by pressure on Kathleen Kennedy and an attempt to generate positive publicity by Disney CEO Bob Chapek. In The Mandalorian season 3, Cara Dune's character was written out, joining New Republic Special Forces for undisclosed missions, effectively indicating that she will not make future appearances.

Nonetheless, traces of the Rangers of the New Republic storyline can be observed as Lucasfilm appears to have incorporated it into other productions. The introduction of Adelphi Base in The Mandalorian season 3 set the stage for Din Djarin's involvement in hunting Imperials for the New Republic, working alongside the Rangers. Additionally, the presence of an Imperial spy network on Coruscant suggests a significant ongoing threat in the narrative. Ahsoka's storyline also shed light on the New Republic Senate Committee responsible for overseeing these Rangers. Despite the cancellation of Star Wars: Rangers of the New Republic, these important story elements continue to be explored as part of the build-up to Filoni's upcoming movie.

Editor's P/S

As an enthusiastic fan, I have mixed feelings about the cancellation of Rangers of the New Republic. On the one hand, I am disappointed that we will not get to see Gina Carano reprise her role as Cara Dune, and I believe that her controversial remarks do not reflect the views of the majority of Star Wars fans. On the other hand, I am excited to see how the story elements from Rangers of the New Republic will be integrated into other Star Wars projects, such as The Mandalorian and Ahsoka.

I believe that Lucasfilm made the right decision to cancel Rangers of the New Republic, as Carano's remarks were harmful and could have damaged the reputation of the Star Wars franchise. However, I am disappointed that Carano's actions have prevented us from seeing a show that could have been a great addition to the Star Wars universe. I am hopeful that Lucasfilm will continue to develop strong and diverse characters, and I am excited to see what the future holds for the Star Wars franchise.