The Forgotten Tale of Pokémon's Newspaper Comic

The Forgotten Tale of Pokémon's Newspaper Comic

Unveiling a peculiar chapter in Pokémon's history, the newspaper comic that missed the mark.

Unearthing a Curious Relic

We Preserved Pokemon's Biggest Failure

In the annals of Pokémon lore, buried beneath the layers of successful ventures and beloved characters, lies a forgotten relic that once aimed to capture the essence of the franchise in a unique way.

Pokemon's Newspaper strip, showing Ash trying to catch a Starmie.

Pokemon's Newspaper strip, showing Ash trying to catch a Starmie.

Recently unearthed by the insightful YouTube channel 'Did You Know Gaming,' this peculiar newspaper comic has resurfaced to intrigue both long-time fans and newcomers alike, shedding light on a failed experiment that tried to bring the world of Pokémon to a different medium.

The comic's short-lived existence, marred by questionable creative decisions and a lack of understanding of its source material, stands as a testament to the challenges of adapting a global phenomenon into a new form of storytelling.

The Misguided Attempt at Charm

Crafted with the ambition of becoming the next iconic comic strip akin to 'Peanuts,' the ill-fated Pokémon newspaper comic embarked on a journey that ultimately led to its downfall.

Pokemon newspaper comic: Ash's mom nags at him to control his Pokemon.

Pokemon newspaper comic: Ash's mom nags at him to control his Pokemon.

Penned by the notorious comic writer Gerard Jones, whose limited grasp of the Pokémon universe became glaringly evident in the strips, and illustrated by the talented Benimaru 'Ashura' Itoh, the comic struggled to resonate with its intended audience.

With a narrative that portrayed Pokémon in an unfamiliar and often jarring light, the comic failed to capture the magic and charm that had endeared these creatures to millions worldwide, resulting in a disjointed and awkward reading experience for fans.

Preservation Amidst Controversy

In a bid to preserve this peculiar piece of Pokémon history, Did You Know Gaming took the initiative to archive over a hundred of these comic strips, allowing enthusiasts to revisit a bygone era of missteps and missed opportunities.

Titled 'Pikachu Meets the Press,' the comics offered a surreal take on familiar characters like Ash, Misty, and Brock navigating a world where Pokémon education took precedence over battles, culminating in a bizarre fusion of anime elements with mundane school life.

Despite its flaws and the writer's subsequent troubles, the Pokémon newspaper comic remains a curious footnote in the franchise's evolution, serving as a reminder of the risks and challenges inherent in expanding beloved franchises into uncharted territories.