The Explosive Connection Between Ahsoka Episode 7, Mandalore, and Thrawn: Unraveling the Intrigue

The Explosive Connection Between Ahsoka Episode 7, Mandalore, and Thrawn: Unraveling the Intrigue

Ahsoka Episode 7 uncovers the link between Thrawn and Mandalore, revealing the consequences of the New Republic's neglect and the rising power of Imperial remnants Moff Gideon's connection to Thrawn raises questions about Din Djarin's role in defeating this formidable enemy

Warning! This article contains spoilers for Ahsoka episode 7.


Ahsoka's ties to Mandalore go way back to her participation in the Clone Wars and her triumph over Darth Maul. These connections are further strengthened through her alliance with Bo-Katan and her bond with Din Djarin in The Mandalorian.

The New Republic's neglect and unwillingness to aid Mandalore not only reveals their ignorance but also highlights the increasing power of the Imperial Remnants. This ignorance paves the way for the emergence of the First Order and aligns with Thrawn's schemes.

The connection between Moff Gideon and the Shadow Council, along with his involvement in the events on Mandalore, establishes a direct tie to Thrawn. As a result, a confrontation between Thrawn and the Mandalorians is imminent, leading to Din Djarin joining the battle against Thrawn.

In episode 7 of Ahsoka, the events of The Mandalorian season 3 are referenced, revealing the connection between Mandalore and Grand Admiral Thrawn. Ahsoka continues to showcase the vulnerabilities of the New Republic's development, and this includes the return of Captain Carson Teva, portrayed by Paul Sun-Hyung Lee. Teva plays a pivotal role as an ally to Hera Syndulla in her unapproved reconnaissance mission on Seatos. Furthermore, in Ahsoka episode 7, Teva seems to offer support to Ahsoka during what appears to be her court-martial.

Carson played a crucial role in The Mandalorian season 3. He not only alerted Din Djarin about the pirate attack on Nevarro but also informally recruited him as a bounty hunter for the New Republic. Through his alliance with Mando, he has gained insight into the events unfolding on Mandalore. In light of these converging storylines, the question arises: how does this connect to Mandalore?

Ahsoka Has A Connection To Mandalore

The Explosive Connection Between Ahsoka Episode 7, Mandalore, and Thrawn: Unraveling the Intrigue

Aside from Thrawn, Ahsoka has her own history with Mandalore dating back to the Clone Wars. She assisted Bo-Katan Kryze during the Siege of Mandalore, a battle that is revisited in Ahsoka episode 5. Ahsoka not only provided aid to the Mandalorians but also successfully defeated Darth Maul, thus freeing Mandalore from his rule. Without her involvement, Mandalore's fate would have been drastically different.

This battle forged an alliance between Ahsoka and Bo-Katan, enabling the Nite Owl to guide Din and Grogu to Ahsoka in The Mandalorian season 2. It was Din who ultimately helped Ahsoka capture Morgan Elsbeth, an event that directly leads into the storyline of the Ahsoka series. With another Mandalorian ally by her side, Ahsoka now has even stronger connections to the planet, making any mention of Mandalore feel inevitable.

The New Republic Didn’t Help Mandalore

The Explosive Connection Between Ahsoka Episode 7, Mandalore, and Thrawn: Unraveling the Intrigue

When Bo-Katan reconsidered her plans to reclaim Mandalore, she knew that the New Republic would not be involved. While the Mandalorians could have potentially benefited from assistance, they were well aware that the New Republic had no willingness to lend a hand. This understanding stemmed from the Children of the Watch's previous involvement in the Siege of Nevarro, where the New Republic had turned a blind eye to their plea for help. Therefore, seeking assistance from the New Republic would be futile.

The handling of Mandalore by the New Republic Senate highlights their ignorance and serves as a major obstacle for Hera Syndulla in Ahsoka's eyes. In Hera's court hearing, Carson uses Mandalore as a prime example of the Imperial activity that goes unnoticed by the New Republic. Instead of showing genuine concern, Senator Xiono dismisses it as the actions of a single warlord, failing to comprehend the harsh reality lurking within the depths of the galaxy.

Imperial Remnants Are Only Getting Stronger

The Explosive Connection Between Ahsoka Episode 7, Mandalore, and Thrawn: Unraveling the Intrigue

The New Republic's continued ignorance of the Imperial Remnants only serves to strengthen them. This allows the First Order to rise, as they prioritize establishing their government and gaining the loyalty of the Core Worlds instead of dealing with the old Imperial threat in the Outer Rim. The New Republic's mistake of holding Moff Gideon as a prisoner on Mandalore is what sparked the current crisis, and this error has now been repeated with the escape of Morgan Elsbeth in Ahsoka, leading to Thrawn's return.

This sentiment aligns with what Valin Hess, the Imperial commanding officer on Morak, expressed in The Mandalorian season 2. The Imperial Remnants are well aware of the turmoil within the New Republic, and they are deliberately exploiting this weakness to strengthen themselves. Their objective is not just to revive the Empire, but to create a more formidable version, a goal that Thrawn also shares.

Moff Gideon Is Connected To Thrawn

The Explosive Connection Between Ahsoka Episode 7, Mandalore, and Thrawn: Unraveling the Intrigue

Thematic wise, the increasing power of the Imperial Remnant is a significant connection between the events of Mandalore and Ahsoka. Additionally, Moff Gideon, who was part of the Shadow Council, a clandestine group of Imperials acting as warlords, further solidifies this link. The Mandalorian season 3 reveals that the Shadow Council has been preparing for Thrawn's return, directly tying Moff Gideon to Ahsoka's enemy. Despite attempting to assume leadership in Thrawn's absence, Gideon's defeat on Mandalore has rendered this impossible.

Prior to his defeat, Gideon alerted the Shadow Council about the Mandalorians' plan to reclaim the planet, which sparked concern among the Imperials. It is plausible that once Thrawn returns to the galaxy, the Imperials will brief him on the events that unfolded on Mandalore, potentially leading to Thrawn becoming an enemy of the Mandalorians. This would then bring Mandalore into the forefront of Thrawn's galaxy-wide agenda, although he has yet to arrive there.

Will Din Djarin Help To Defeat Thrawn?

The Explosive Connection Between Ahsoka Episode 7, Mandalore, and Thrawn: Unraveling the Intrigue

Regardless of Mandalore's involvement, Din Djarin's participation in the fight against Thrawn is inevitable. The agreement he has made with Carson as an Imperial bounty hunter will undoubtedly play a significant role in the events of Ahsoka, particularly considering Carson's direct involvement. Given the New Republic's current disregard for the Thrawn threat, it is highly likely that Carson will turn to Din for assistance, as he cannot seek help from any other unauthorized allies.

Even if Din does not actively contribute to this series, there is no doubt that he will play a role in the Mandalorian-era movie's battle against Thrawn. However, it is not implausible for Din to be mentioned in the Ahsoka finale, especially if Carson has the opportunity to discuss the matter directly with Ahsoka. Both Carson and Ahsoka trust Din as an ally, and Din actively seeks opportunities to combat the Imperials. Additionally, it would be an enlightening journey for Grogu, who has recently become Din's apprentice.

Including a character as significant as Din in the Ahsoka finale would pose a challenge, given the numerous storylines that still need closure. It seems inevitable that Thrawn will triumph in entering the Star Wars galaxy, potentially leaving Ahsoka, Ezra, and Sabine stranded on Peridea. The resolution of Ahsoka's various plotlines remains uncertain up until the final credits. However, viewers can anticipate seeing Din fighting alongside heroes like Ahsoka in the broader battle against Thrawn. Catch new episodes of Ahsoka on Disney+ every Tuesday at 6 pm PT / 9 pm ET.