The Unknown Origin of the Chiss in Star Wars

Discover the enigmatic origins of Thrawn, the ruthless and analytical villain of Star Wars Uncover the secrets of the Chiss Ascendancy and their home planet, Csilla What's next for this mysterious species in the Star Wars universe?
The Star Wars universe is vast and full of diverse life forms, including new worlds and alien races that are constantly being introduced. With the upcoming live-action debut of Grand Admiral Thrawn in Disney +'s Ahsoka, it's a perfect opportunity to delve deeper into one of the most intriguing and mysterious races in the galaxy - the Chiss. While there's been a wealth of information written about the Chiss over the years, much of it has been classified as "Legends" and is now considered fan fiction. To provide clarity and accuracy in relation to the current Star Wars canon, this article will solely focus on the official content post-Disney's acquisition of the franchise.
Who are the Chiss?
The Chiss species hailed from the enigmatic Unknown Regions of the Star Wars Galaxy and were easily distinguished by their blue skin, blue hair, and red eyes. Apart from their striking physical appearance, the Chiss possessed exceptional abilities that set them apart from humans. These included heightened hearing, infrared vision, and superior reflexes.
Although the Chiss rarely displayed Force-sensitivity, the rare instances where it was observed were almost exclusively in females. Their abilities were relatively limited compared to other races and categorized as "Second Sight" and "Third Sight." Second Sight referred to telepathy which allowed for communication and mind-reading, while Third Sight related to precognition that enabled them to see future events. The true nature of these abilities was shrouded in secrecy, even from high-ranking officials within the Chiss government.
Chiss Seers' abilities were limited by age, eventually fading away entirely. As a result, young girls with the Sight were identified and trained as navigators for the Chiss fleet. These navigators were akin to the Guild Navigators in the Dune universe, whose precognitive abilities were crucial for faster-than-light travel. Due to the hazardous hyperspace routes leading into and throughout the Unknown Regions, Chiss Seers' abilities were invaluable in anticipating and avoiding danger, making space travel possible.
What is the Chiss Ascendancy?
The Chiss Ascendancy was governed by an aristocratic oligarchy, known as the Chiss government, where the most powerful families held the reins of power. The Nine Ruling Families formed the highest echelon, followed by the Forty Great Houses and the lesser families. Political and social ranks shaped the highly hierarchical Chiss family structure, resulting in conflicts both within and between families that permeated throughout the entire society. Despite the patriarchal title, women were also eligible to hold the position of head of a Chiss family.
Chiss naming traditions demonstrate the significance of family above all else. The family name is the first part of a Chiss' name, followed by a reference to the individual, and then determined by other social factors. Take Thrawn, for example, whose full name is "Mitth'raw'nuruodo." The "Mitth" family is where he comes from, while "Thrawn" is his "core name," derived from the literal core letters – "th'raw'n."
Chiss individuals with aspirations beyond their social standing had the opportunity to join another family through a process known as "rematching." This process was also utilized by high-ranking Chiss families who sought to recruit talented young students to enhance their family's influence. However, Chiss could also lose their family name as a result of disgrace or upon joining the Defense Fleet. The Ascendancy maintained a separation between the ruling families and the military, as they aimed to prevent any overlap or confusion between the two entities. Despite possessing a powerful military force, known as the Chiss Defense Force, the Ascendancy remained extremely reclusive and concealed their existence from other galactic powers. Rather than focusing on expansion, they prioritized exploration and research, and enforced a strict prohibition on preemptive strikes.
The Chiss Defense Force, concerned about potential threats outside their territory, convinced the Syndicure to grant them expansionary powers. As a result, the Chiss Expansionary Defense Fleet was established to explore the vast stretches of the Unknown Regions and keep a watchful eye on any potential dangers. However, the Fleet was still bound by the rule against preemptive strikes and could only take action against another star system if there was concrete evidence of an imminent or past attack.
What is Csilla Like?
Csilla was once a thriving planet with a temperate climate similar to Earth's. However, a fierce conflict between the Chiss and an unidentified adversary resulted in the use of the Starflash, an ancient extraterrestrial weapon. Although it led to victory for the Ascendancy, it also caused the sun to cool, resulting in long-term consequences for the planet.
During the Imperial Era, Csillia's harsh environment had transformed it into an ice-covered planet with sparse population. The majority of its cities, including the capital Csaplar, were situated underground in heated caverns that were artificially lit. Thanks to advanced technology, these caverns were able to support extensive underground forests and lakes. Despite having only an estimated population of 70 million Chiss during the Clone Wars, the Chiss created the illusion of a bustling world with vast above-ground cities, complete with entertainment districts, military strongholds, and businesses. The ruse was so successful that many visitors believed Csillia to be a vibrant planet.
What's Next for the Chiss in Star Wars?
With Thrawn's appearances limited to Star Wars: Rebels, Ahsoka marks the first live-action appearance of a Chiss. The end of Rebels left Thrawn and Ezra Bridger in the Unknown Regions, implying the possibility of both Csilla and the Unknown Regions making an appearance in Ahsoka. The manner of Thrawn's return remains a mystery as the show begins. However, it is possible that he received assistance from the Chiss Ascendancy by navigating back to Csilla or his homeworld of Rentor, which is under Ascendancy control. Fans eagerly await the premiere of Ahsoka on August 23 to find out the truth.