The Enigmatic Exile: Unveiling the Mysterious Star Wars Legend

The Enigmatic Exile: Unveiling the Mysterious Star Wars Legend

Discover the captivating journey of The Exile, the protagonist of KOTOR II Uncover her origins, delve into the legendary Mandalorian Wars, and explore the lasting legacy she leaves behind Embrace the force and unravel the enigmatic tale of this remarkable character

The Jedi and Sith stories in Star Wars are incredibly captivating. The franchise revolves around the constant battle between good and evil, with individuals harnessing either the Light or Dark side of the Force. While this ideological struggle is evident in the films, it is explored in greater depth in expanded materials like books, comics, and video games. Among these, Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords provides the most intricate examination of the Jedi-Sith conflict.

On the Jedi side, players are introduced to Meetra Surik, also known as The Exile. As the player character, Star Wars fans are treated to a thought-provoking exploration of the Force, its Light and Dark aspects, and those who manipulate these forces. Meetra Surik is a complex character whose story, from her origins to the legacy she leaves behind, is a must-know for any Star Wars enthusiast.

Origins & The Mandalorian Wars

The Enigmatic Exile: Unveiling the Mysterious Star Wars Legend

Meetra Surik, discovered as a Force-sensitive individual at a young age, was taken in by the Jedi Order for training. However, due to the ongoing Mandalorian Wars, her training was less stable compared to others. Against the disapproval of many members of the Jedi Order, Surik joined the Mandalorian Wars and fought alongside the renowned Jedi Revan and Malak, who led the Revanchists. Surik showed great strength and rose through the ranks during the conflict, commanding numerous troops.

Her role in the Mandalorian Wars reached its climax during the battle at Malachor V, where she faced a pivotal decision. Realizing her forces were losing to the Mandalorians and with no backup in sight, Surik made the difficult call to activate the Mass Shadow Generator, a tremendously powerful superweapon. This activation resulted in the destruction of the planet and the annihilation of both the Republic and Mandalorian fleets. The magnitude of devastation caused by the weapon's release affected the Force, and Surik, instinctively aware of its potential impact, unknowingly severed her connection to her powers.

The Exile

The Enigmatic Exile: Unveiling the Mysterious Star Wars Legend

Returning to Coruscant for trial, Meetra Surik was expelled from the Jedi Council for defying their orders and following Revan into battle. Jedi Master Atris, fearing Surik's power, was concerned about her next move. After her exile, Surik resided in the Outer Rim. To flush out the remaining Sith, Master Atris leaked Surik's location upon her return, attracting the Sith Triumvirate. Surik narrowly escaped an ambush by Darth Sion's forces with the aid of a droid, avoiding capture.

Taken under the wing of Kreia, secretly known as Sith Lord Darth Traya, Surik and Kreia, along with the assistance of Atton Rand, managed to flee during the next attack by Sion's forces. Over time, their crew grew as Kreia groomed Surik to become powerful enough to aid her in her hidden objective of eradicating the Force. Meanwhile, they confronted the immediate threats of Darth Nihilus and Darth Sion, both of whom Surik defeated.


When Kreia regained some of her lost force abilities and revealed her true nature to Surik, the Jedi exile embarked on a mission to confront her deceiver. Prior to engaging in a fierce duel with the individual she had come to recognize as Darth Traya, Surik endeavored to persuade her to abandon the ways of the Dark side and return to the path of Light. However, Traya adamantly refused. Reluctant to take Traya's life, Surik's only recourse came after the Sith Lord launched a force-empowered assault, wielding lightsabers through the air. With no alternative, the Exile struck down Kreia, emerging victorious in their confrontation.

The Enigmatic Exile: Unveiling the Mysterious Star Wars Legend

Subsequently, amidst her earnest endeavor to find solace and complete her apprenticeship as a Jedi, Meetra Surik received the disconcerting revelation that her previous mentor, Revan, had defied death and fallen into the clutches of an enigmatic Sith Lord. After an extensive pursuit, Surik successfully located Revan on the planetary expanse of Dromund Kaas, where he remained captive under the tyrannical sway of none other than the Sith Emperor, lauded as Vitiate.

Encountering the Sith Lord who had previously captured Revan, known as Lord Scourge, she managed to persuade him to join her cause. Together, they successfully liberated the renowned Jedi, but the outcome was far from ideal. In a sudden twist, Scourge betrayed Surik, ending her life with a swift stroke of his lightsaber. Although Revan was temporarily set free, he was once again taken captive by the Sith Emperor. Thus, the journey of Meetra Surik, also known as The Exile in the Star Wars saga, tragically concluded as she valiantly fought to rescue her beloved comrade.