The Chilling Dominance of Daylight's Most Terrifying Low-Tier Killer

The Chilling Dominance of Daylight's Most Terrifying Low-Tier Killer

Discover the spine-chilling horror of The Shape, Dead by Daylight's most terrifying low-tier killer Unleash fear upon survivors as Michael Myers and learn the best build to strike terror in their hearts Get ready for a bone-chilling journey like no other

Article Key Points

The Shape in Dead by Daylight has access to a variety of playstyles, making him a unique and versatile killer with old-school slasher roots.

Halloween introduced the iconic characters Michael Myers and Laurie Strode as a crossover in the game Dead by Daylight. This collaboration significantly elevated the game's reputation and solidified its position as a horror game.

Although Michael Myers, also known as The Shape, may not be considered one of the top-tier killers, his unique abilities provide players with unexpected surprises and intense moments, particularly when utilizing the Scratched Mirror add-on and the Infinite Tier 3 build.

The Shape, one of the killers in Dead by Daylight, may not be the strongest but possesses some terrifying tactics. In this highly strategic game, having multiple options to formulate a plan is crucial. What sets The Shape apart is the immense versatility in his kit, allowing for different playstyles. This allows him to channel his old-school slasher roots and create intense matches in Dead by Daylight.

As the first crossover in Dead by Daylight, The Shape, also known as Michael Myers from Halloween, has been a staple in the game since its early days. While the game is now famous for its numerous horror crossovers, Halloween was the first, ultimately contributing to the game's success. Regardless of Michael's actual performance, he holds a significant place in Dead by Daylight's history, alongside his iconic movie fame.

The Shape Isn't Strong in Dead by Daylight, But He Can Be Scary

The Chilling Dominance of Daylight's Most Terrifying Low-Tier Killer

Despite being a famous name, Michael Myers is typically ranked near the bottom in Dead by Daylight killer tier lists. This is due to the mechanics of his power. His power, Evil Within, is one of the slower-paced abilities in the game. In Tier 1, his movement speed is lowered, but he becomes undetectable as a trade-off. Reaching Tier 2 through stalking survivors brings him to a basic killer level. His strongest form is in Tier 3, where he can instantly down survivors with a basic attack, but this form only lasts for a limited time without certain add-ons. Ultimately, Michael cannot consistently rely on his powers, unless supplemented with add-ons.

In most matches, players who possess a good understanding of how to play as The Shape in DbD usually aim to ascend from Tier 1 as swiftly as they can. However, the playstyle is completely inverted when utilizing the Scratched Mirror add-on. This add-on effectively confines Michael to Tier 1 for the entirety of the match, rendering him as slow as The Nurse, the slowest killer. Nevertheless, he acquires the ability to remain undetectable throughout the match while also being able to perceive nearby survivors through walls during Stalking. Consequently, this grants him an unparalleled advantage in surprising survivors, hence why fans have bestowed upon him the moniker "Jumpscare Myers."

What Makes The Shape Scary in Dead by Daylight

Jumpscare Myers and Infinite Tier 3 Myers are both terrifying killer builds in Dead by Daylight. However, they have their limitations. Jumpscare Myers is hindered by slow foot speed, while Infinite Tier 3 Myers takes time to reach its full potential. Despite these drawbacks, these builds bring an exciting and suspenseful energy to the game. The fear of not knowing Michael's whereabouts and the knowledge that he can instantly eliminate survivors adds a thrilling element to every match. In terms of actual power, Michael may not be the strongest killer, but he is undoubtedly one of the most frightening and entertaining in Dead by Daylight.

The Chilling Dominance of Daylight's Most Terrifying Low-Tier Killer

Dead by Daylight

Dead by Daylight is a chilling multiplayer horror game that offers a unique twist. Enter a world where one player embraces the menacing role of the Killer, while the others cautiously assume the roles of "Survivors." The relentless Killer relentlessly pursues their prey, while the cunning Survivors desperately strive to outsmart and ultimately elude their terrifying foe.

Platform(s): PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X, Xbox Series S, Stadia, Switch, Mobile

Release Date: June 14, 2016

Developed by: Behaviour Interactive

Published by: Behaviour Interactive

Genre: Horror, Survival

Multiplayer: Online Multiplayer

Game Engine: Unreal Engine 4

ESRB Rating: M for Mature - Blood and Gore, Intense Violence, Strong Language

Estimated Playtime: N/A

X|S Enhanced: Yes

File Size on Xbox Series: 51 GB (October 2022)

Crossplay Supported Platforms: PC, PS4, PS5, Switch, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X|S

Number of Players: 5

Availability of PS Plus: Extra & Premium. Also available on Steam.

Editor's P/S

As a Gen Z fan, I find the Shape, also known as Michael Myers, to be an intriguing and well-designed killer in Dead by Daylight. His unique abilities and playstyles make him stand out from the other killers in the game.

The Shape's ability to stalk survivors and become undetectable is particularly terrifying, as it allows him to get close to his victims without them knowing. This can lead to some truly heart-pounding moments, as survivors desperately try to escape the Shape's grasp.

Overall, I think the Shape is a great addition to Dead by Daylight and I enjoy playing as him. He is a challenging killer to master, but also very rewarding. I would recommend him to any fan of the game looking for a new challenge.