The Cast of Andor: A Talented Ensemble

The Cast of Andor: A Talented Ensemble

Explore the talented cast of the beloved Star Wars Disney+ series, Andor, and their characters in this comprehensive guide to the prequel.


Andor | Luthen Rael’s Monologue | Disney+

The Star Wars Disney+ series, Andor, has captured the hearts of audiences with its talented cast and compelling characters. Andor serves as a prequel to Rogue One: A Star Wars Story, delving into the backstory of the iconic character, Cassian Andor, and the formation of the Rebel Alliance. With a total of 24 episodes, Andor is not only the longest Disney+ Star Wars series but also stands out for its darker tone and action-packed storytelling. In this article, we'll take a closer look at the cast of Andor and the characters they bring to life, from familiar faces to breakout stars and new additions to the Star Wars universe.

Diego Luna as Cassian Andor in Andor

Diego Luna as Cassian Andor in Andor

Andor has received widespread acclaim for its departure from the typical Star Wars formula and its more mature tone, appealing to both critics and viewers. The series features a lineup of incredibly talented actors, each bringing their unique charisma and depth to their respective characters. Join us as we journey through the galaxy of Andor and unravel the stories behind the captivating cast members.

Cassian Andor in Andor season 1 episode 12

Cassian Andor in Andor season 1 episode 12

Diego Luna as Cassian Andor

Diego Luna reprises his role as the titular character, Cassian Andor, in the Andor series. As a scoundrel living on the planet of Ferrix, Cassian is known for his questionable decisions and entanglements in the criminal underworld. Luna's portrayal of Cassian Andor offers a nuanced and compelling exploration of the character's early life and motivations. Beyond Andor, Luna is recognized for his roles in Narcos: Mexico, Tales of Arcadia, Elysium, Milk, The Terminal, The Book of Life, and If Beale Street Could Talk. Additionally, Luna serves as an executive producer on Andor, contributing to the series' creative vision alongside showrunner Tony Gilroy.

Luna's return to the Star Wars universe has been met with enthusiasm from fans and critics alike, as he brings depth and complexity to the character of Cassian Andor. His performance in Andor showcases the evolution of a beloved character and adds further layers to the Star Wars mythology, cementing his status as a pivotal figure in the galaxy far, far away.

Cassian Andor on a mountain on Aldhani in Andor.

Cassian Andor on a mountain on Aldhani in Andor.

Stellan Skarsgård as Luthen Rael

Veteran actor Stellan Skarsgård takes on the role of Luthen Rael in Andor, portraying a character with hidden agendas and a pivotal role in the early stages of rebellion. Skarsgård's portrayal of Luthen Rael adds depth and intrigue to the series, as his interactions with Cassian Andor set the stage for the formation of the Rebel Alliance. Known for his roles in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, Dune, The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, and Pirates of the Caribbean, Skarsgård brings his wealth of experience to the character of Luthen, capturing the complexities of a character navigating the turbulent political landscape of the Star Wars galaxy.

Stellan Skarsgard in the Andor trailer

Stellan Skarsgard in the Andor trailer

Skarsgård's performance in Andor season 1 has been lauded for its iconic monologue and compelling portrayal of a character with ambiguous motives. His presence in the series adds a layer of gravitas and intrigue, further enriching the narrative and captivating audiences with his enigmatic persona.

Luthen Rael talking to Mon Mothma

Luthen Rael talking to Mon Mothma

Kyle Soller as Syril Karn

Kyle Soller embodies the role of Syril Karn, a formidable antagonist in Andor and a zealous Imperial officer. Karn's relentless pursuit of Cassian Andor and his unwavering dedication to his duty create tension and conflict within the series, adding a compelling dynamic to the narrative. Soller's portrayal of Syril Karn draws from his previous work in You, Me and the Apocalypse, as well as his notable roles in Poldark and various film appearances.

Syril Karn

Syril Karn

The character of Syril Karn presents a formidable challenge to Cassian Andor and contributes to the high-stakes drama of Andor, setting the stage for intense confrontations and gripping plot developments. Soller's performance brings depth and intensity to the character, establishing Syril Karn as a formidable presence within the Star Wars universe.

Genevieve O'Reilly as Mon Mothma in Andor

Genevieve O'Reilly as Mon Mothma in Andor

Genevieve O'Reilly as Mon Mothma

Genevieve O'Reilly reprises her role as Mon Mothma, a familiar face in the Star Wars universe and a pivotal figure in the formation of the Rebellion. O'Reilly's portrayal of Mon Mothma captures the savvy and determined nature of the character, showcasing her pivotal role in shaping the events that lead to the Rebel Alliance's emergence. With previous appearances in Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith, Rogue One: A Star Wars Story, and Star Wars: Rebels, O'Reilly brings a wealth of experience to the character, infusing Mon Mothma with gravitas and authority.

Mon Mothma's involvement in Andor adds a layer of political intrigue and strategic maneuvering, as she works alongside Luthen Rael to lay the groundwork for the Rebellion's rise. O'Reilly's performance captures the essence of a seasoned leader and visionary, contributing to the rich tapestry of characters within the Andor series and the broader Star Wars mythology.

Mon Mothma giving a speech in Andor

Mon Mothma giving a speech in Andor

Adria Arjona as Bix Caleen

Adria Arjona takes on the role of Bix Caleen, a new character in Andor who serves as a loyal ally to Cassian Andor. Bix Caleen's involvement in the shadowy underworld and her unwavering support for Cassian add an intriguing layer to the series, as her character navigates the complexities of loyalty and rebellion. Arjona's portrayal of Bix Caleen draws from her previous work in Morbius, 6 Underground, Pacific Rim: Uprising, and True Detective, showcasing her versatility as an actress.

Adria Arjona as Bix Caleen in Andor.

Adria Arjona as Bix Caleen in Andor.

Bix Caleen's dynamic presence in Andor introduces new dimensions to the narrative, offering insights into the intricate web of alliances and allegiances within the Star Wars universe. Arjona's performance brings depth and charisma to the character, establishing Bix Caleen as a compelling addition to the ensemble cast of Andor.

Fiona Shaw appears in Andor trailer.

Fiona Shaw appears in Andor trailer.

Fiona Shaw as Maarva

Fiona Shaw delivers a captivating performance as Maarva, a wily ship raider and former leader of the proto-Rebellion in Andor. Maarva's complex relationship with Cassian Andor and her pivotal role in his upbringing add emotional depth to the series, as Shaw infuses the character with a mix of wisdom and maternal devotion. Known for her roles in the Harry Potter franchise, True Blood, and Killing Eve, Shaw's portrayal of Maarva showcases her range as an actress, bringing a compelling presence to the Star Wars universe.

Maarva's involvement in Andor weaves a tale of familial ties and legacy, as her influence shapes Cassian's journey and the larger conflict unfolding within the series. Shaw's performance adds emotional resonance and complexity to the character of Maarva, enhancing the narrative with a rich tapestry of relationships and history.

Mon Mothma stands in her apartment in Andor Episode 9.

Mon Mothma stands in her apartment in Andor Episode 9.

Forest Whitaker as Saw Gerrera

Forest Whitaker returns as Saw Gerrera, a familiar face in the Star Wars universe, in Andor. Gerrera's presence in the series brings a sense of urgency and moral complexity, as his extreme methods create tensions within the budding Rebellion. Whitaker's portrayal of Saw Gerrera draws from his acclaimed career, including his Oscar-winning performance in The Last King of Scotland and his roles in Black Panther, Arrival, and Godfather of Harlem.

Saw Gerrera in Andor

Saw Gerrera in Andor

Saw Gerrera's involvement in Andor adds a layer of moral ambiguity and ideological conflict, challenging the characters and shaping the trajectory of the Rebellion. Whitaker's performance captures the enigmatic nature of Saw Gerrera, contributing to the series' exploration of the ethical dilemmas and sacrifices inherent in the fight against the Galactic Empire.