The Captivating Tale of Ahsoka: Unveiling the Deeper Symbolism Behind Baylan Skoll's Orange Lightsaber

The Captivating Tale of Ahsoka: Unveiling the Deeper Symbolism Behind Baylan Skoll's Orange Lightsaber

Discover the captivating significance of Ahsoka's Baylan Skoll and the enigmatic orange lightsaber, as its true meaning is unveiled in this insightful article

While Ahoska marks the first significant portrayal of orange lightsabers in Star Wars, it's not the first time they've made an appearance. These vibrant blades, utilized by both Baylan Skoll and Shin Hati, hold a mysterious meaning within the Star Wars universe. Unlike the more familiar red lightsabers associated with the Dark Side, yellow lightsabers (typically wielded by Jedi) are less prevalent in the franchise. The unique shade of orange, derived from a combination of red and yellow, may hold valuable insights into the true significance of this color. By examining the essence of yellow and red lightsabers, along with the character traits exhibited by Baylan Skoll and Shin Hati, we may uncover the true meaning behind these enigmatic orange lightsabers.

Orange lightsabers, being a fusion of two distinct colors, inherently embody the core qualities that define the purple lightsabers wielded by Mace Windu. In other words, orange represents a delicate balance between the Light Side attributes associated with yellow and the Dark Side tendencies linked to red. This also implies that, similar to Mace Windu successfully mastering this equilibrium without succumbing to the allure of the Dark Side, orange lightsaber wielders are not necessarily aligned with the Sith. The impact of this revelation on Baylan Skoll's perspective and his portrayal as a potential Sith Lord in Ahsoka remains to be seen, particularly as he explicitly denies being a Jedi.

How Yellow & Red Lightsaber Meanings Influence The Orange

The Captivating Tale of Ahsoka: Unveiling the Deeper Symbolism Behind Baylan Skoll's Orange Lightsaber

Star Wars lore depicts lightsaber color as a reflection of the wielder's personality, Force alignment, or Jedi class. Jedi Sentinels, represented by yellow lightsabers, prioritize working directly with people instead of focusing solely on combat skills with the Force. These Jedi often fulfill roles such as temple guards or diplomats, as they are hesitant to rely on violence to resolve conflicts. This characteristic is also observed among green Force-users, like Morgan Elsbeth, as green is a combination of yellow and blue. Yellow lightsaber wielders embody hope, prioritize interpersonal connections, and approach the use of the Force with a diplomatic mindset. They only engage in combat when necessary, making them ideal for defensive roles.

The Dark Side of the Force is characterized by emotions such as rage, vengeance, grief, fear, pain, and hatred. Sith harness these intense negative emotions, corrupting Light Side crystals to turn them red in a process known as "bleeding." This is how Sith obtain their lightsabers, as they are unable to wield a Light Side lightsaber without embracing the Dark Side. By taking a Jedi's lightsaber and bleeding it, Sith give their own sabers their distinct red color. On the other hand, Force-users who wield purple or orange lightsabers have not only achieved balance between the Light and Dark Sides of the Force, but have also attained mastery over themselves and their emotions. Alongside Dave Filoni's explanation, this fact about orange lightsaber users is intriguing, as it may offer insights into whether Baylan Skoll truly belongs to the Sith.

What The Orange Lightsaber Means For Baylan Skoll

The Captivating Tale of Ahsoka: Unveiling the Deeper Symbolism Behind Baylan Skoll's Orange Lightsaber

A wielder's lightsaber color reflects their personality and relationship with the Force, indicating their affinity and path as a Force-user. When considering the meanings of yellow and red lightsabers, it becomes possible to infer the significance of an orange lightsaber. It can be reasoned that it represents a pragmatic hope, acknowledging that the journey towards a better future may involve sacrifices for the greater good, even if inflicted by one's own lightsaber. This shift in perspective often leads the formerly diplomatic wielders of yellow lightsabers to become mercenaries, which is precisely the case with Baylan Skoll. However, Baylan's personality suggests a different interpretation.

Baylan displays the characteristics of a Jedi Sentinel - hopeful, friendly, and hesitant to use his lightsaber. He also exhibits composure, patience, and sympathy. Yet, his determination is unwavering and one-dimensional, entirely focused on a distant, singular goal. Everything else is merely a means to an end, serving his pursuit for power. The orange lightsaber he wields is a reflection of his sustained hope. It is possible that he hopes his quest for power will yield genuine peace, a peace that justifies the shedding of blood. Unlike Darth Vader, who sought power fueled by hatred and grief, Baylan Skoll seeks power for a more optimistic motive. Although this reason remains undisclosed, it is evident that his hope and optimism are tainted by some negative emotional aspect associated with the Dark Side.

For Baylan Skoll as a Sith, the orange path may not align strictly with the Dark Side, but it is also not aligned with the Light Side. It suggests that orange lightsaber Force-users may be inherently gray Jedi. If their traits that lean towards the Light are tainted by the Dark, they may not have a true affiliation with the Jedi or Sith. Both factions become a means to an end for the orange lightsaber wielder's ultimate goal.

Baylan has observed Shin's impatience as a factor leading to their defeat, which implies that patience is a dominant trait among orange lightsaber wielders. One thing remains uncertain about Baylan Skoll's orange lightsaber symbolism in Ahsoka: it is too early to determine and too late to ascertain whether Baylan Skoll's patience is merely a cruel virtue.