Star Wars Shocks Fans With Long-Awaited Revelation About The Force & Jedi After 46 Years

Star Wars Shocks Fans With Long-Awaited Revelation About The Force & Jedi After 46 Years

Ahsoka reveals the long-awaited answer about the Force & Jedi in Star Wars, asserting that everyone possesses the Force, but not everyone can harness its power Discover the profound insights into the Force's nature and its selective connection with individuals

Warning! This article contains spoilers for Ahsoka episode 3.


Ahsoka discloses that the Force dwells within all living beings, regardless of whether they are Jedi or not, which supports George Lucas' notion that the Force is accessible to anyone. However, only those with natural aptitude and unwavering commitment, such as the Jedi who establish a deep connection through early recognition and rigorous instruction, can harness the power of the Force.

This answer provides a clearer understanding of the Force, suggesting that certain individuals may possess an inherent talent to harness and strengthen their connection to the Force through training.

In the Ahsoka series, Star Wars finally addresses one of its long-standing questions regarding the Force and the Jedi. Throughout the years, various aspects of the Force have been revealed, such as the concept of Midi-chlorians in The Phantom Menace and Force-healing in The Rise of Skywalker. While some ideas have been more widely accepted than others, the question of who can actually wield the Force and the reasons behind it has remained unanswered for almost five decades. However, once it was unveiled that Sabine Wren is Ahsoka's Padawan, it became inevitable for this question to be addressed in Ahsoka.

The Star Wars Rebels Mandalorian had never displayed any signs of using the Force. However, she decided to pursue Jedi training in the new live-action series. This raised questions among viewers about how she was able to undergo such training if she lacks Force sensitivity. Huyang confirmed that Sabine is the least Force-sensitive Padawan he has encountered. The recent episode featuring Ahsoka sheds light on Sabine's training with her master, finally addressing this unanswered question.

Ahsoka Insists Everybody Has The Force - Not Just Jedi

Star Wars Shocks Fans With Long-Awaited Revelation About The Force & Jedi After 46 Years

Ahsoka affirms that the Force is present in all living beings, echoing Kanan Jarrus' teachings to Sabine during her training with the Darksaber. These notions trace back to Obi-Wan Kenobi's words to Luke Skywalker in A New Hope, highlighting how the Force unites every being and entity in the galaxy. For the Force to achieve this unity, it must inhabit all individuals, regardless of whether they are Jedi wielding the Force or not. This concept aligns with George Lucas' principle that anyone has the ability to tap into the Force, although Ahsoka does point out an important limitation to this concept.

Not Everybody Can Call On The Force, However

Star Wars Shocks Fans With Long-Awaited Revelation About The Force & Jedi After 46 Years

Ahsoka explains to Sabine that harnessing the power of the Force requires not only natural talent, but also relentless training and persistence. This mirrors Luke's advice to Din Djarin in The Mandalorian regarding Grogu. It is through this rigorous training that individuals like the Jedi are able to establish a profound and intimate connection with the Force. The Jedi's exceptional ability to wield the Force is recognized from a young age, and their extensive training at the Jedi Temple enables them to strengthen their bond with the Force, a capability that eludes many others in the galaxy. While the potential to tap into the Force resides within everyone, only those with both innate talent and the proper training have the ability to truly harness its power.

This aligns with age-old theories, such as Han Solo unintentionally tapping into the Force during his riskier piloting adventures. If, as Ahsoka claims, the Force truly resides within all living beings, then it is conceivable for individuals to unknowingly harness its power. However, without skill and training, they can never consciously summon it. This answer not only demystifies the Force but also renders it more comprehensible. Although someone may not inherently possess more Force than another, they may possess an inherent ability to wield it, along with dedicated training and discipline that enables them to have a stronger connection to the Force. The subsequent exploration of Sabine's Jedi journey in Ahsoka will further expand upon this age-old question. Catch new episodes of Ahsoka every Tuesday at 6 pm PT / 9 pm ET on Disney+.