Star Wars: Ahsoka's Unlikely Welcome for New Fans

Star Wars: Ahsoka's Unlikely Welcome for New Fans

Ahsoka's debut in the Star Wars series may not be as welcoming to new fans as initially promised, as early reactions suggest the need to be familiar with the franchise's lore despite Rosario Dawson's assurance


Early reactions to Star Wars: Ahsoka suggest that the show leans heavily on existing lore, particularly knowledge of Star Wars: Rebels.

Familiar fans of the animated series will likely find more enjoyment in Ahsoka, as it directly continues the story from Rebels and includes beloved characters. However, newcomers can still follow the story, but Ahsoka may not have the same impact for those who are not invested in the larger Star Wars franchise.

It appears that some reactions to Star Wars: Ahsoka suggest that a promise made by Rosario Dawson may have already been broken. Star Wars: Ahsoka not only acts as a spin-off of The Mandalorian and its related projects, but also continues the storylines from the animated Star Wars franchise. This includes picking up where Star Wars: Rebels left off and bringing beloved characters from the franchise into live action for the first time, such as Natasha Liu Bordizzo as Sabine Wren. The show's concept as a spiritual successor to past animated material, including the Clone Wars animated series, has resonated with dedicated fans of the animated show's plot.

Despite Rosario Dawson's reassurances that the show is intended for all viewers, regardless of their knowledge of the broader Star Wars franchise, early reviews suggest that Ahsoka may not be as newcomer-friendly as initially thought. Those who were fortunate enough to preview the first two episodes emphasize the heavy reliance on Star Wars: Rebels lore, making it crucial for a thorough understanding and enjoyment of the show. In fact, one respondent likened it to a live-action Rebels.

Setting aside comments about the overall Disney Plus Star Wars universe, the reactions from early viewers range from generally favorable to outright praise. This positive feedback is encouraging, especially considering the high expectations that have been built up due to the show's ambitious marketing and teasers. Notably, viewers praise the performances and screen presence of Rosario Dawson as the series lead, along with Sabine portrayed by Bordizzo. Additionally, the score and pacing of the first two episodes have been lauded.

While some people initially gave Dawson's comments about the show's accessibility the benefit of the doubt, the feedback received seems to confirm the belief that a story with complex characters and ambitious plotlines may alienate newcomers to some extent. The outcome appears to align more closely with the advice given by Ahsoka's voice actress, Ashley Eckstein, who recommended that fans prepare for the new series by watching The Clone Wars, Star Wars: Rebels, and even Tales of the Jedi. Although all three shows are widely loved and available on Disney Plus, following this recommendation seems to contradict Dawson's assessment.

The difference in expectations among fans can be attributed to varying perceptions and differing opinions on how much viewers can understand without additional context. However, one thing that is clear is that Ahsoka will be a treat for fans of the broader Disney Star Wars universe and may even help win over those who are still uncertain about the decision to reset the Star Wars canon. The connection to over two decades of stories reminds us of what still remains, rather than what has been relegated to the Legends continuity.

Ahsoka is set to premiere for streaming on Disney Plus starting August 23rd, 2023.

Source: ComicBook