Spider-Man's 10 Most Impressive Displays Of Power In The Andrew Garfield Movies
A detailed look at the incredible displays of power showcased by Andrew Garfield's Spider-Man in The Amazing Spider-Man movies.
Andrew Garfield played Spider-Man in The Amazing Spider-Man franchise, offering several impressive displays of power across the two movies. Despite only having two installments, the Amazing Spider-Man franchise has persevered in modern cinema. Andrew Garfield's Spider-Man movies were unfortunately cut short in favor of an MCU reboot, yet the actor reprised his role for Spider-Man: No Way Home in 2021, making Garfield an official part of the MCU's Spider-Man timeline. When watching the Marvel movies in order, Garfield's No Way Home appearance makes him a vital part of the 27th film in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Garfield's appearance in the film led many to call for The Amazing Spider-Man 3 to be greenlit, giving the character the send-off many would argue he deserves. While it is unclear as of yet whether this will happen, The Amazing Spider-Man and The Amazing Spider-Man 2 still offer plenty to love about Garfield's iteration of the Web-Slinger, including a handful of impressive feats of strength.
Andrew Garfield as Spider-Man holding a bus back in The Amazing Spider-Man 2
In this article, we will take a closer look at the top 10 most impressive displays of power exhibited by Andrew Garfield's Spider-Man in The Amazing Spider-Man movies, showcasing the incredible strength, reflexes, and durability of the Web-Slinger.
Andrew Garfield's Spider-Man holding The Lizard's tail in The Amazing Spider-Man
10. Ripping The Lizard's Tail Off
In the first Amazing Spider-Man movie, the main antagonist, The Lizard, poses a formidable threat to Spider-Man. During a fight in Peter's high school, the hero clings onto The Lizard's tail with such force that it rips off entirely, showcasing the immense strength of Spider-Man. While not intentional by Peter, the power it must have taken to clutch the tail enough for it to be ripped free cannot be overstated.
This accidental yet impressive display of power highlights the extraordinary strength possessed by Andrew Garfield's Spider-Man, setting the stage for even more astonishing feats to come.
Andrew Garfield as Peter Parker holding a subway pole in The Amazing Spider-Man
9. Breaking A Subway Hand Pole
The Amazing Spider-Man highlights the ways in which everyday life would be affected by having the strength of the Web-Slinger. Shortly after Peter is bitten by the radioactive spider, he unwittingly sticks to a subway hand pole and yanks it completely free of its fastenings. Subway poles can withstand a lot of people holding on to them at the same time, making Peter's ability to pull it free with ease and without intention an impressive display of Spider-Man's power.
This remarkable incident emphasizes the unintended consequences of Peter's newfound strength and sets the stage for even more astonishing displays of power throughout the movies.
A bent football goalpost in The Amazing Spider-Man
8. Bending A Goalpost With A Football
In a moment of everyday life, Peter is sitting on the bleachers with Gwen Stacy when a football is hit towards them. Peter catches the ball without looking, showcasing his impressive reflexes and agility. After doing so, he mindlessly throws the football back toward the field, only with enough power for it to smash into the goalpost and bend it in half, highlighting the incredible strength and accuracy of Spider-Man.
This unexpected demonstration of power further solidifies Peter's extraordinary abilities, setting the stage for the even more remarkable feats of strength that follow.
Rhino in The Amazing Spider-Man 2
7. Defeating The Rhino
At the end of The Amazing Spider-Man 2, Spider-Man confronts the Rhino, with the film ending right as the hero engages his enemy. Spider-Man: No Way Home confirms Peter survived this attack, thus meaning he managed to defeat the Rhino. Given the Rhino's extremely formidable exoskeleton, defeating this villain is no small feat of power.
Rhino confronts Spider-Man in Amazing Spider-Man 2
This off-screen yet significant display of power showcases the remarkable strength and determination of Spider-Man, solidifying his status as a true superhero.
Rhino as a burglar in The Amazing Spider-Man 2
6. Recharging The Oscorp Power Grid & Defeating Electro
One of the more impressive feats of durability-based power in The Amazing Spider-Man 2 comes as Peter battles against Electro. In order to defeat Electro, Spider-Man uses his webs to pull together the electrical pipelines of Oscorp's power grid, showcasing his incredible strength and agility. Spider-man withstands the electrical current generated by the power grid all while holding his webs together, defeating Electro once and for all.
Rhino rampaging through New York City in The Amazing Spider-Man 2
This breathtaking display of power highlights the extraordinary strength and resilience of Spider-Man as he overcomes one of his most formidable foes.
Spider-Man leaping in to fight Rhino with a manhole cover in The Amazing Spider-Man 2
5. Saving A Child From A Burning Car
The scene in The Amazing Spider-Man in which Peter realizes the titular hero can be a beacon of hope for New York is one of the film's best and also houses the third most impressive display of power from Garfield's iteration of the character. The scene involves The Lizard's first rampage on the Williamsburg Bridge in which the creature throws multiple vehicles over the side, tumbling towards the East River. Spider-Man arrives and webs the cars to the bridge before being made aware that someone's son is still inside one of the vehicles.
Flash Thompson grabbing a basketball being held by Andrew Garfield's Peter Parker
This heroic act showcases Spider-Man's unwavering strength and determination as he uses his powers to save lives, solidifying his role as a true protector of the city.
A smashed basketball backboard in The Amazing Spider-Man
4. Catching A Cop Car
In The Amazing Spider-Man 2, Spider-Man's first confrontation with Electro comes at Times Square. At one point, Electro lets out a surge of power which flips all the cop cars in his vicinity backwards. Spider-Man arrives, catching one of the cars in midair and saving a group of sightseers nearby. The strength it would require to catch a car anyway is remarkable, yet the cop car in The Amazing Spider-Man 2 is being propelled quickly by Electro, making the feat even more spectacular.
Andrew Garfield as Spider-Man lifting a flaming car in The Amazing Spider-Man
This astonishing display of power highlights the remarkable strength and quick reflexes of Spider-Man as he intervenes to protect innocent civilians from harm.
Andrew Garfield as Spider-Man lifting a cop car above his head in The Amazing Spider-Man 2
3. Stopping A Crashing Bus
Coming in as the strongest display of power shown by Andrew Garfield's Spider-Man is the character stopping a crashing bus. The opening sequence of The Amazing Spider-Man 2 shows Spider-Man foiling a plan by Aleksei Sytsevich before he becomes the Rhino at the end of the film. Sytsevich is shown rampaging through New York City in an armored Oscorp truck, plowing through vehicles and endangering the lives of civilians.
This awe-inspiring feat showcases the incredible strength and determination of Spider-Man as he puts his life on the line to protect the city and its inhabitants from imminent danger.
Peter Parker holding a smashed basketball hoop among falling glass in The Amazing Spider-Man