Shocking Footage Reveals the Terrifying Hazards of Streaming in a Thunderstorm

Shocking Footage Reveals the Terrifying Hazards of Streaming in a Thunderstorm

A popular Twitch streamer's unexpected encounter with a thunderstorm while live-streaming creates a captivating and adrenaline-filled clip that has taken the internet by storm

During a casual Twitch stream, French streamer SamEzTwitch had an unexpected wake-up call when his home was struck by a thunderstorm. This incident serves as a reminder that outside events can often disrupt live streams. Despite having a relatively modest following of 22.1K at the moment, SamEzTwitch is known for his frequent casual streams on Twitch's "Just Chatting" category, all conducted in his native language, French. On July 11, while streaming, his residence was heavily affected by a severe thunderstorm, resulting in both amusing and confusing outcomes.

In a 27-second video titled "la dinguerie" and shared by ViiK_Live, SamEzTwitch is seen sitting silently in his room during a brief downtime in his stream. Suddenly, a bright and intense flash of lightning can be seen through the window, momentarily startling Sam. However, the video abruptly freezes and distorts, leaving viewers unsure about what exactly happened. It is evident that some kind of electrical damage occurred, but the extent of it remains unclear.

The clip was later posted on Reddit by user n0yst, sparking a wave of speculation about the effects of the lightning strike. Various theories emerged, ranging from aliens and the rapture to the proximity of trees or power transformers near Sam's home. Additionally, some humorous suggestions entertained the possibility of an Orbital Cannon or Sam gaining superpowers due to the lightning strike. However, several users in the comment section pointed out SamEzTwitch's recent tweets, where he revealed that the entire incident was a staged prank involving video effects and microphone noises. Fortunately, this prank did not have any serious consequences, unlike similar incidents involving other content creators.

Regardless of what actually happened, the video exposes the risks of excessive use of technology in bad weather, a lesson that unfortunately others have learned the hard way. SamEzTwitch even jokingly referred to the hail and rain his region received after the incident as karma for his prank. It seems that he has no intention of taking a break from streaming, as his Twitch schedule indicates he will continue to stream at least once a week in the coming future.