Despite being seven years old, Batman: Arkham Knight still manages to frighten new players with its infamous Man-Bat jump scare. The game has become particularly popular on TikTok, with Twitch streamer MegMage's recent clip going viral. In the clip, MegMage reacts to the Man-Bat jump scare, which has now garnered over 200,000 views, 32,000 likes, and 350 comments at the time of writing.
For fans of Batman: Arkham Knight, the Man-Bat jump scare is undoubtedly memorable. As players traverse the game's open-world Gotham City, they become accustomed to using Batman's grappling hook to scale buildings. This routine is precisely what the game's developers use to execute one of the most exceptional jump scares in gaming history. At one point in the game, Batman attempts to grapple to a rooftop only to come face to face with the monstrous Man-Bat.
In this particular moment captured by MegMage, we witness a bone-chilling Man-Bat jump scare in Batman: Arkham Knight. The streamer's reaction is priceless as she lets out a blood-curdling scream in terror when the creature screeches and takes a swipe at Batman with its wings, before vanishing into the dark sky. While subsequent encounters with Man-Bat may not be as terrifying, this initial encounter sets the tone for Batman's future interactions with this formidable foe.
A Thrilling Side Quest
One of the most memorable moments in Batman: Arkham Knight is the Man-Bat jump scare, which sets off a thrilling side quest called Creature of the Night. As Batman, players must track down and apprehend Man-Bat, a flying creature with a thirst for blood.
The side quest involves several intense battles as players try to take Man-Bat out of the sky and collect a blood sample from him. This process must be repeated multiple times before players can finally defeat Man-Bat and complete the quest.
Fans of Batman: Arkham Knight praised the game's engaging side quests, and many are eager to see if Rocksteady's upcoming game, Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League, will feature anything similar. While it has been seven years since the release of Batman: Arkham Knight, fans are eagerly anticipating the next adventure from Rocksteady, set to launch in 2023.
A New Direction for the Batman: Arkham Universe
Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League promises to be a fresh take on the Batman: Arkham universe. While the game is set in the same world as Rocksteady's previous titles, it offers a departure from the traditional single-player experience. This time around, players will have the opportunity to team up with friends in a co-op adventure, taking on the roles of the infamous Suicide Squad.
This change in direction is a bold move, but one that fans of the series are sure to appreciate. Not only does it offer a new way to experience the world of Batman, but it also allows for a deeper exploration of the Suicide Squad and their unique abilities. With the addition of four playable characters, each with their own unique set of skills, players will have endless opportunities to strategize and work together to take down the Justice League.
Overall, Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League promises to be an exciting addition to the Batman: Arkham universe. Whether you're a longtime fan of the series or new to the world of Gotham, this game is sure to offer a thrilling co-op experience like no other. Available on PC, PS4, and Xbox One, it's a must-play for any superhero fan.