Revealing Star Wars' Untold Secret: The Astonishing Origins of the Nightsisters Uncovered - Explained Theory

Revealing Star Wars' Untold Secret: The Astonishing Origins of the Nightsisters Uncovered - Explained Theory

Unveiling the mysterious origin of the Nightsisters in Star Wars: How did Ichor play a pivotal role? Dive into the enigma surrounding their connection to the Force and the potential involvement of the Son Explore the secrets that were set up 12 years ago

This article contnains spoilers for Ahsoka.


In the Ahsoka TV show, it is unveiled that the source of the Nightsisters' unique abilities is intertwined with their remote home planet, Peridea, where the Force exhibits distinct phenomena.

Unlike the Jedi and Sith who have direct connection to the Force, the Nightsisters rely on ichor, a substance that enables them to harness the dark side of the Force and amplify their abilities collectively.

The Nightsisters may have acquired their power from extracting the blood of the Mortis gods, specifically the Son who embodies the dark side. This theory is supported by the visual similarities observed between the Son and the Nightsisters.

Ahsoka has revised the history of the Nightsisters, but Star Wars discreetly introduced a potential origin for their race twelve years ago. Originally introduced by Dave Wolverton in his 1994 novel The Courtship of Princess Leia, the Nightsisters of Dathomir have always been a captivating Force sect within the Star Wars universe. The Nightsisters possess abilities that are distinctly different from both the Jedi and Sith, which became even more pronounced following their reintroduction in Star Wars: The Clone Wars twelve years ago.

The Ahsoka Disney+ TV series has finally provided an explanation for the unique abilities of the Nightsisters. Ahsoka Tano and her allies and enemies embarked on a journey to Peridea, a distant world located on the outer edges of another galaxy. They discovered that Peridea is the original homeland of the Nightsisters, suggesting that they originally acquired their connection to the Force in a place where its manifestation is different. The Ahsoka finale took it a step further by revealing that Peridea is also connected to the Mortis gods, who serve as embodiments of the Force itself. This revelation potentially holds the key to unraveling the origin of the Nightsisters.

The Nightsisters Do Not Use The Force Directly

Revealing Star Wars' Untold Secret: The Astonishing Origins of the Nightsisters Uncovered - Explained Theory

The Sith have long been fascinated by the powerful and ancient Force cult known as the Nightsisters. However, they have struggled to replicate the Nightsisters' unique magick, as they do not directly tap into the Force. Instead, they utilize a substance called "ichor" to access the dark side of the Force. Unlike the Sith, the Nightsisters have a communal approach to their magick, enhancing each other's powers rather than constantly competing.

The introduction of the concept of magickal ichor in the Star Wars: The Clone Wars episode "Nightsisters" in 2011 holds significant importance. It should have been recognized as a crucial clue connecting the Nightsisters to the Mortis gods due to its similarity to the name of the gods' blood in Greek mythology. This suggests that the Nightsisters acquired their powers by obtaining the blood of the Mortis gods, particularly the Son who is associated with the dark side. This also explains the visual resemblance between the Son and the Nightsisters.

Did The Son Create The Nightsisters?

Revealing Star Wars' Untold Secret: The Astonishing Origins of the Nightsisters Uncovered - Explained Theory

The Mortis gods, introduced in Star Wars: The Clone Wars season 3 in 2011, are powerful manifestations of the Force. Comprising of three entities - Father, Son, and Daughter - each represents a different aspect of the Force. The Daughter symbolizes the light side, while the Son represents the dark side, and the Father represents balance. Long ago, the Father and his children resided in the normal galaxy but inflicted great evils upon it. In order to restore equilibrium to the Force, they were relocated to Mortis, a mysterious planet abundant in the Force.

It is highly probable that the Nightsisters were among the evils unleashed upon the galaxy by the Mortis gods. Ahsoka suggested that they established an intergalactic empire, with Peridea and Dathomir being important worlds in this empire. If the Son was responsible for creating the Nightsisters or if they were able to harness his blood, it would clarify why the Father believed that removing the Mortis gods from the galaxy was necessary for its safety. This theory aligns perfectly with the existing threads in the Star Wars narrative, particularly the fact that the Nightsisters were confirmed to use a substance called ichor twelve years ago.

All episodes of Ahsoka are streaming now on Disney+.