Revealing Rey's Lineage: Insights into Palpatine's Reject

Revealing Rey's Lineage: Insights into Palpatine's Reject

Unveiling the mysteries behind Rey's father and his rejection by Palpatine

The Enigmatic Origins of Rey Skywalker

In a galaxy far, far away, the enigmatic lineage of Rey Skywalker has captivated Star Wars fans since her introduction in 'The Rise of Skywalker.' However, it was not until 'The Bad Batch' season 3 that the veil was partially lifted on Rey's father, known as Dathan. Contrary to popular belief, Dathan's existence was not a testament to Palpatine's unconventional family dynamics but rather a pawn in the Emperor's resurrection scheme.

Palpatine and Rey's Father in The Rise of Skywalker

Palpatine and Rey

Rey's parentage was a major mystery in the Star Wars sequel trilogy, with fans speculating about her connection to Luke Skywalker, Leia Organa, and even Emperor Palpatine. The revelation of Rey's father as Dathan in 'The Bad Batch' season 3 surprised many fans, who had expected a more direct connection to the Skywalker family.

Unraveling the Mystery of Dathan's Rejection

Amidst the Dark Times of the Empire's reign, Project Necromancer emerged as a sinister endeavor within the Advanced Science Division. Dathan, a genetic strandcast of Palpatine, was a critical piece in this puzzle, albeit with a significant flaw - minimal Force sensitivity. The Empire's quest for immortality through clone experimentation faced a setback with Dathan's inadequacy, leading to his ultimate rejection by his 'father.'

Project Necromancer was a secret Imperial project aimed at creating clones of Emperor Palpatine to ensure his immortality. Dathan was one of several genetic strandcasts of Palpatine, but his lack of Force sensitivity made him unsuitable for the project's goals. The Empire's obsession with cloning and genetic manipulation is a recurring theme in the Star Wars universe, with characters like Boba Fett and the Clone Troopers being notable examples.

The Perils of Project Necromancer

While Dathan bore the genetic imprint of the Emperor, his lackluster Force affinity rendered him a failure in the eyes of the Empire. 'The Bad Batch' season 3 delved into the core challenge of Project Necromancer - crafting clone hosts with comparable or heightened midichlorian counts. The struggle to replicate Palpatine's essence resulted in deteriorating clone bodies, elucidating the Emperor's decrepit form despite his resurrection.

The challenge of creating clones with comparable or heightened midichlorian counts was a major obstacle for Project Necromancer. The deteriorating clone bodies seen in 'The Bad Batch' season 3 reflect the inherent difficulties of genetic manipulation and the limitations of cloning technology. Palpatine's decrepit form in 'The Rise of Skywalker' is a testament to the failures of Project Necromancer and the consequences of his pursuit of immortality.

The Value of Omega and the Legacy of Rey

In a galaxy teeming with clones and experiments, Omega's unique genetic composition emerged as a beacon of hope for the Empire. Unlike Dathan, her genetic makeup promised sustenance for infused midichlorians, making her a prized asset. Dathan's escape from Exegol paved the way for his romance with Miramir and the birth of Rey, Palpatine's granddaughter.

Omega is a unique clone created by the Kaminoans, with a genetic makeup that makes her a potential host for infused midichlorians. Dathan's escape from Exegol and his subsequent romance with Miramir led to the birth of Rey, who inherited Palpatine's genetic legacy. The connection between Rey and Omega highlights the complex nature of genetic inheritance and the potential for unexpected outcomes in cloning experiments.

Unraveling Rey's Force Legacy

The enigma of Rey's Force prowess despite Dathan's shortcomings sparks debates among fans. Could Rey have inherited her abilities from her maternal lineage? Was the Force sensitivity a skipped trait, manifesting more potently in Rey's natural birth? 'The Rise of Skywalker' left these questions unanswered, shrouding Rey's power in uncertainty.

Rey's exceptional Force abilities despite Dathan's lack of sensitivity have raised questions about the nature of her power. Some fans speculate that Rey inherited her abilities from her maternal lineage, while others believe it is a skipped trait that manifested more potently in her natural birth. The uncertainty surrounding Rey's Force legacy adds to the mystique of her character and leaves room for further exploration in future Star Wars stories.

Rey and Palpatine in The Rise of Skywalker

Rey and Palpatine in The Rise of Skywalker


As the Star Wars saga unfolds, the intricacies of Rey's lineage continue to intrigue and mystify audiences. 'The Bad Batch' season 3 offers a glimpse into the tumultuous world of clone experimentation and the ramifications of genetic manipulation. While the origins of Rey's power remain a subject of speculation, one thing is certain - the Force binds the Skywalker legacy in ways beyond genetic predisposition.

For more revelations from a galaxy far, far away, tune in to 'The Bad Batch' season 3, available on Disney+.