Revamped Camera Angle Elevates Dragon's Dogma 2 Combat

Revamped Camera Angle Elevates Dragon's Dogma 2 Combat

Dragon's Dogma 2's combat is taking a new approach with a focus on more visceral camera angles The reveal trailer showcased a major change to combat with the over-the-shoulder camera angle becoming a modern staple

The recent gameplay reveal for Dragon’s Dogma 2 at the PlayStation Showcase was a thrilling surprise for fans of the original Capcom RPG. The upcoming sequel appears to honor its predecessor while also striving to propel the series forward. The gameplay showcased in the trailer will feel familiar to those who played the first game, but it holds much more significance when considering the new direction Capcom is taking with the franchise. In a gaming landscape dominated by over-the-shoulder third-person action, Dragon’s Dogma 2’s fresh camera angle is a bold move that showcases the innovative approach the company is taking with the sequel.

Dragon’s Dogma 2’s Reveal Trailer Showcased a Major Change to Combat

Revamped Camera Angle Elevates Dragon's Dogma 2 Combat

Dragon's Dogma 2 reveal trailer mage gameplay.

The combat gameplay showcased in the PlayStation Showcase trailer was nothing short of intense, with a focus on updating the camera perspective to a closer over the shoulder angle. While the original game did have this perspective while using the bow, the new gameplay reveal for Dragon's Dogma 2 showcased an even more intense angle that was used for both bow usage and spell casting. This shift towards a more action-centric gameplay presentation only serves to highlight the RE Engine's powerful ability to create engaging combat systems. With the sequel to Dragon's Dogma, Capcom has taken a whole new approach to utilizing their signature engine on this ambitious title.

The Over-the-Shoulder Camera Angle has Become a Modern Staple

The upcoming Dragon's Dogma 2 is set to receive a fresh update through the use of RE Engine - an innovative technology that has yet to be applied to an open-world RPG. The trailer has showcased a visceral melee combat system, reminiscent of other notable action games in the RE Engine family, such as Devil May Cry 5. This change, along with a closer camera angle, highlights the influence of modern action experiences on the game's development. It's no surprise that the sequel is looking to refresh the franchise by taking inspiration from defining aspects of gameplay in recent major releases.

Revamped Camera Angle Elevates Dragon's Dogma 2 Combat

Dragon's Dogma 2 is set to take open-world gaming to the next level with its use of a closer over the shoulder camera perspective. This feature is becoming increasingly popular in modern gaming due to the heightened sense of immersion and control it provides. Capcom's decision to incorporate this angle into Dragon's Dogma 2 is a bold move that could propel the game to the same level of success as other titles in the genre, as shown in the exciting gameplay featured in the reveal trailer.

Capcom's RE Engine, originally developed for Resident Evil 7, has proven its versatility in enhancing older titles with subsequent remakes like Resident Evil 2 and Resident Evil 4. These remakes received an over the shoulder camera angle treatment despite the fixed camera perspectives of the original games, which aligns with Capcom's vision to unify their major titles under the RE Engine. Even Devil May Cry 5's intense combat with its more fixed camera showcased the engine's ability to deliver a solid traditional third-person experience, despite being created for a first-person game. Dragon's Dogma 2 seems to be leveraging the adaptability of the RE Engine to incorporate successful elements from Capcom's recent remakes while still maintaining the essence of the original game.

Capcom's latest release shows how the company is willing to take risks and experiment with its offerings, resulting in record success. With updates to the RE Engine in popular titles such as Monster Hunter Rise and Street Fighter 6, Capcom has solidified its position as a giant in the gaming industry. Despite its dominance in a variety of genres, the company continues to push the limits of the engine with a new installment in its signature RPG series, bringing it into the latest era of gaming. Dragon's Dogma's cult status and enduring popularity make it more than deserving of a sequel, and the game's new camera angles promise a more visceral, open-world experience that can compete with modern gaming peers.

Dragon’s Dogma 2 is in development for PC, PS5, and Xbox Series X/S.