Restocking Kakariko Village's General Store in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom with Codgers' Quarrel Walkthrough

Restocking Kakariko Village's General Store in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom with Codgers' Quarrel Walkthrough

Unlock access to Kakariko Village's store in Tears of the Kingdom by completing the Codgers' Quarrel side quest Follow the Cuccos walkthrough to find the missing chickens and stock up on merchandise at the Kakariko General Store

Kakariko Village, located in the southeast, is often one of the first destinations for players in Tears of the Kingdom. While High Spirits Produce, the village's general store, may seem unwelcoming to new players due to its lack of merchandise, restocking the store is an easy task. Simply complete the Codgers' Quarrel side quest and the store will be fully stocked and ready for business.

Kakariko Village is located southeast of Lookout Landing at coordinates 1736, -0902, 0199. The most efficient way to reach the village is by horseback from the Dueling Peaks Stable. However, players can also glide in the right direction from the Lookout Landing Skyview Tower or from Sahasra Slope Skyview Tower at 1345, -1169, 0166.

Upon entering the High Spirits Produce shop located at 1796, 1028, 0115, players will immediately notice the limited selection of goods. Only a single egg is available for purchase. However, the shop's owner, Trissa, will catch the player's attention with a red exclamation point above her head. This indicates that she has a side quest for Link to complete.

To complete the Codgers' Quarrel side quest, follow the instructions provided by Trissa.

Restocking Kakariko Village's General Store in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom with Codgers' Quarrel Walkthrough

To initiate the Codgers' Quarrel side quest, speak with Trissa. She will inform you that Steen and Olkin, who are responsible for collecting produce for the general store, have ventured to one of the ruins in Kakariko Village to defend against monsters. Trissa specifies that they are situated at the hills that lead west.

To reach the location, head towards the coordinates 1651, -1126, 0212 on the map. As previously mentioned by Trissa, this area is situated in the western region of Kakariko Village. Scaling the cliff may require some Stamina, but it should not pose a significant challenge, even with one Stamina Wheel.

Restocking Kakariko Village's General Store in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom with Codgers' Quarrel Walkthrough

Link will have to face several enemies on his own as Steen and Olkin cannot agree on how to deal with them. The enemies include two Blue Bokoblins and one Silver Bokoblin. While the Blue Bokoblins are relatively easy to defeat, the one shooting arrows from above can be a nuisance. It's advisable to take out the archer first with a well-aimed arrow to the head. However, the real challenge lies in defeating the Silver Bokoblin, which has high HP and strong attack and defense capabilities. This can be especially challenging for new players, so Link needs to be careful and strategic in his approach.

Before leaving the camp, make sure to read the translation notes and examine the ruins tablet. After completing these tasks, report back to Steen and Olkin, who will be amazed by Link's impressive abilities. From there, head back to Kakariko Village and check out the fully-stocked High Spirits store. Keep in mind that there is still one item missing. To continue on, follow the Cuccos Walkthrough.

Restocked with everything except for eggs at High Spirits? If eggs are necessary, speak to Trissa again to start the "Follow the Cuccos" side quest. This involves quietly tailing the Cuccos in Kakariko Village until they lead you to a hideaway in the Pillars of Levia.

If Link is caught while trying to collect eggs from the Cucco Hideaway, the Cuccos will scatter and players will need to start over. To avoid this, players can either wait until morning to try again or head directly to the hideaway located at coordinates 1877, -1157, 0200. Once there, they can collect 10 eggs and then return to the general store.

Alternatively, if players have already gathered 10 eggs, they can skip this quest entirely and give the eggs directly to Trissa.

The Kakariko General Store offers a range of merchandise that can come in handy for adventurers who have just begun their journey. Once players have completed Codgers' Quarrel and Follow the Cuccoos, they can find a modest selection of goods here. It's worth noting that certain items like Goat Butter can only be purchased from stores, so it's wise to stock up on them if players have the funds to spare.

Restocking Kakariko Village's General Store in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom with Codgers' Quarrel Walkthrough

Here's every item in High Spirits General Store:



Price (single quantity)

Goat Butter


12 Rupees

Fortified Pumpkin


20 Rupees

Bird Egg


12 Rupees

Swift Carrot