New Evidence Emerges Supporting a Longstanding Fallen Jedi Theory in Star Wars Audiobook Announcement

New Evidence Emerges Supporting a Longstanding Fallen Jedi Theory in Star Wars Audiobook Announcement

Discover the latest revelations about Keeve Trennis and the intriguing developments in the Jedi lore.

Star Wars may finally be confirming a two-year-old theory about a fallen Jedi from the High Republic era. This period, set hundreds of years before the prequel trilogy, used to be a time of peace and prosperity. However, darkness has been creeping in as the High Republic books and comics approach the events of the Skywalker saga. A new Star Wars audiobook is hinting at the fall of Jedi Master Keeve Trennis.

According to, the new audiobook called Tempest Breaker by Cavan Scott is scheduled for release on December 3rd, 2024. This book will follow the story of former Nihil Tempest Runner Lourna Dee, who is currently working with Jedi Master Keeve Trennis and other rogue Jedi. The new artwork for the audiobook suggests that Keeve may go beyond defying the Jedi Council and choose to leave the Order altogether.

High Republic Tempest Breaker Art - As pointed out by X user @camandfilm, Keeve's Jedi Order symbol has been torn from her robes

High Republic Tempest Breaker Art - As pointed out by X user @camandfilm, Keeve's Jedi Order symbol has been torn from her robes

As noted by X user @camandfilm, Keeve's Jedi Order symbol has been ripped off her robes. This not only hints at a darker path for Keeve but also supports a popular theory among fans since her introduction in 2021.

Keeve Trennis Really Does Seem To Be One Of The Lost Twenty

Is Keeve About To Leave The Jedi Order For Good?

Custom Star Wars Image Keeve Trennis - Is Keeve About To Leave The Jedi Order For Good? - Keeve Trennis Really Does Seem To Be One Of The Lost Twenty

Custom Star Wars Image Keeve Trennis - Is Keeve About To Leave The Jedi Order For Good? - Keeve Trennis Really Does Seem To Be One Of The Lost Twenty

The idea that Keeve Trennis was destined to leave the Jedi Order was first hinted at before she was introduced in Cavan Scott's initial High Republic Phase I comics series. In 2019, Scott wrote Dooku: Jedi Lost, which provided new information about Dooku's departure from the Jedi Order and his status as one of the Lost Twenty, a group of individuals who have left the Jedi Order throughout its history. The book also mentioned that a Jedi named Trennis was among the Lost Twenty.

While there is no confirmed link between the two characters as being the same Jedi, it is quite interesting that Scott introduced Keeve Trennis in his High Republic works two years after. Keeve is a newly promoted Jedi Master who has been challenging the Jedi Council's decisions more frequently in Phase III. With the torn Jedi symbol on her robes, it appears that Keeve's journey towards a fall from the Jedi path will be explored in the near future.

Editor's P/S:

The upcoming Star Wars audiobook "Tempest Breaker" has sparked speculation about the fate of Jedi Master Keeve Trennis, who has long been associated with the enigmatic Lost Twenty. The torn Jedi symbol on her robes in the audiobook's cover art suggests that she may be on the verge of leaving the Order, a theory that has gained traction among fans since her debut in 2021. The fact that the author who introduced the Lost Twenty concept is also writing "Tempest Breaker" adds further weight to the theory.

Keeve's journey has been characterized by her defiance of the Jedi Council, and her departure from the Order would mark a significant turning point in her story. It would also raise questions about the future of the Jedi Order, which has faced increasing challenges and divisions in the wake of the High Republic era. The possibility of Keeve becoming one of the Lost Twenty adds an intriguing layer to her character and opens up new possibilities for her role in the Star Wars universe.