Misty's Ultimate Evolved Pokemon Team: Top 10 Picks

Misty, the water-type gym leader of Cerulean City, could have an unbeatable team if she chose to evolve her Pokemon Her top 10 would include Corsola, Seaking, Azumarill, Politoed, Starmie, Golduck, Togekiss, Clawitzer, Kingdra, and Gyarados With this team, Misty would be a force to be reckoned with in the Pokemon world
Since her debut in 1998's Pokemon Red & Blue, Misty has become an iconic figure in the franchise as both the second gym leader in Cerulean City and as a traveling companion of Ash in the anime's first two seasons. As a skilled water-type trainer, Misty has proven to be one of the best, though like Ash, she has chosen not to evolve all of her Pokemon. However, it's worth considering just how powerful her team could be if she were to evolve all 12 of her Pokemon, including honorable mentions to Staryu and her Luvdisc, Caserin.
10 Corsola
Corsola is a versatile Pokemon that can be useful in battles. As a water/rock type, it has access to the move recover which can come in handy, especially since it is weak to grass-type attacks. However, unlike its Galarian form, Misty's Corsola cannot evolve, leaving her with just this one option. While its initial stats may not be impressive, its rock typing provides great coverage against flying, ice, and bug types where water moves may not be as effective.
9 Seaking
Misty's beloved Goldeen has undergone a transformation, evolving into a powerful Seaking. Throughout the early episodes of the anime, Goldeen was a mainstay on Misty's team, even though it was often ridiculed for its perceived uselessness on land. While evolving Goldeen has undoubtedly improved its stats and offensive capabilities, some may argue that Misty's team would have been even stronger if she had evolved it earlier. Perhaps Seaking would have been more adept on land, but alas, we can only speculate.
8 Azumarill
With the addition of the fairy-type in the 6th generation of Pokemon, Azumarill has become a valuable asset for Misty to improve her type coverage. Having a secondary typing is especially beneficial for monotype trainers who rely on diverse types for battle. Despite having an Azurill, the baby form of Marill and Azumarill, Misty may not be utilizing its full potential as a battler. Azumarill is highly regarded in competitive play and Misty would benefit from utilizing its impressive abilities.
7 Politoed
Misty's journey with Ash saw the evolution of her fun-loving and cheerful Poliwag, which eventually transformed into Poliwhirl and later into its final form, Politoed. In Pokemon Journeys: The Series, it is revealed that Politoed has become one of Misty's go-to Pokemon and serves as the guardian deity of Cerulean City. With a powerful array of moves including Focus Blast, Hydro Pump, Mega Punch, and Bounce, Politoed is a force to be reckoned with.
6 Starmie
Misty could potentially add a second Starmie to her team by evolving her Staryu, but for the purpose of this list, we will only count one. As her main Pokemon in the games, Starmie has proven to be a formidable opponent, especially for trainers who chose Charmander. With moves like Rapid Spin, Hypnosis, Camouflage, and Water Pulse, Starmie has the ability to be a very irritating adversary. However, Misty's Starmie seems to rely solely on Water Gun and Tackle. To truly make it a standout member of her team, she will need to expand its move repertoire.
5 Golduck
Misty's Psyduck has become an iconic Pokemon in the anime due to its perpetually perplexed demeanor, chronic headaches, and fear of water, resulting in its status as a meme. Evolving it into a Golduck could potentially cure its headaches and alleviate its fear of water, as Golduck possess greater control over their psychic abilities. Additionally, Golduck can be a formidable competitor, boasting a powerful special attack that could enable Misty to dominate her opponents with a potent Psychic attack. However, for the time being, Misty is resigned to sticking with her comedic Psyduck.
4 Togekiss
Misty's Togepi was always by her side, the only non-water-type Pokemon in her team. However, in the Ruby & Sapphire series, it evolved into a Togetic to aid some distressed Togepi, and Misty later released it to protect the Togepi of the region. Had Misty kept hold of Togetic and allowed it to evolve into a Togekiss, it would have been an invaluable asset to her team. Not only was it her sole non-water-type Pokemon, but it also possessed formidable STAB flying and fairy moves that could efficiently handle pesky grass-type opponents.
3 Clawitzer
Misty's team has a new member, Clauncher, who was caught in a recent episode of Pokemon Journeys: The Series. Unlike her other Pokemon, Misty hasn't had the opportunity to evolve Clauncher yet, but with a special attack of 120, it will prove to be a formidable asset. Its powerful Crabhammer move can take down fire and rock types with ease. Fans will have to wait and see if Misty decides to evolve Clauncher if she appears in future episodes of the anime.
2 Kingdra
Misty's Horsea had been with her since the original series and proved to be a valuable asset as a getaway Pokemon, using its Smokescreen to cover Misty, Ash, and Brock. However, what Misty didn't realize was that she had one of the best water-type Pokemon in the series, the powerful water/dragon type Kingdra, lying dormant in her team. It's a shame that she never evolved Horsea into Seadra and missed out on utilizing Kingdra's ideal moveset, including Dragon Dance, Waterfall, Rain Dance, and Dragon Pulse. With its impressive all-around stats, Kingdra would have been a formidable mixed attacker on Misty's team.
1 Gyarados
Misty's Gyarados is undoubtedly her strongest Pokemon, having made its debut in the spinoff series Pokemon Chronicles as an unruly creature that eventually came around to its trainer. Over time, their bond grew stronger, allowing them to mega-evolve and unleash even greater power. This serves as a testament to Misty's ability to evolve and capture the strongest representatives of her preferred type. With its impressive moveset - including Hydro Pump, Rain Dance, Hurricane, and Crunch - Gyarados is a well-rounded force to be reckoned with. When mega-evolved, it gains a dark-type STAB with Crunch and regular STAB with Hurricane. In short, Gyarados embodies the very best of Misty's skills as a trainer.