May's Post-Ash Pokemon Journey: What Lies Ahead

May's Post-Ash Pokemon Journey: What Lies Ahead

Discover the exciting journey of May after leaving Ash in the Ruby and Sapphire days From her impressive Pokemon evolutions to her sensational style update, find out about her victories in the Wallace Cup and Tag Team battles, and the new friends she has made along the way

May, the "Princess of Hoenn," made her debut in 2002 as a Pokemon Coordinator rather than following in her father's footsteps to become a gym leader. Despite facing her fears and making a name for herself with the help of Ash, Drew, and Solidad, May has not appeared in as many cameos as some of Ash's other former travel companions. This is due to her Japanese voice actor, KAORI, resigning from the franchise in 2012 due to a neurologic disorder, making May's future adventures left solely to her fans' imaginations.

5 May's Pokemon Evolutions

May's Post-Ash Pokemon Journey: What Lies Ahead

May's Pokemon join her in their early stages of development, but some lucky ones begin their evolutionary journey quickly. While Skitty and Munchlax remain in their original forms, May's other companions decided to evolve. One of her most iconic partners, Glaceon, came into existence after her Eevee came in contact with an ice crystal while traveling through Snowpoint City. Glaceon has since learned new skills, including Mirror Coat, Secret Powder, and Ice Shard. Furthermore, May's ranks also include Bulbasaur and Squirtle who made personal improvements during a trip to Johto, and Wartortle has added Aqua Tail to his arsenal. Venusaur's gender is officially revealed in "Pruning a Passel of Pals!" as females are identifiable by the central seed within their flower. Lastly, May's Beautifly showcases an all-new move (Aerial Ace) in "Strategy with a Smile!" although it's not an official evolution.

4 A Sensational Style Update

May's Post-Ash Pokemon Journey: What Lies Ahead

As May ventured into the world of Pokemon battles, she initially did so more out of a desire for adventure than a passion for battling. However, as she began to learn from Ash and others, she found herself becoming increasingly drawn to the thrill of the battle. However, as she evolved into a Pokemon Coordinator, May realized that she needed to develop her own unique style - one that was less aggressive than Ash's.

Through her newfound independence, May has honed her instincts, allowing her to quickly devise clever strategies on the fly and develop original performance techniques. She has become more confident in her abilities and has developed a deep understanding of her Pokemon's strengths and weaknesses. Surprising even herself, May has found success in using unexpected combinations - such as utilizing Beautifly's Morning Sun in a powerful way, or creating a stunning harmony of Silver Wind and water.

3 The Wallace Cup

May's Post-Ash Pokemon Journey: What Lies Ahead

May’s skills are put to the test in the Wallace Cup of Diamond and Pearl, located in the Sinnoh Region, which marks the first major event she competes in after parting ways with Ash. Despite experiencing consecutive losses during her Ruby and Sapphire days, May has regained her confidence and makes it to the Final Stage on the shore of Lake Valor, proving her mettle as a worthy contender. Prior to vying for the coveted Aqua Ribbon, May had already secured three distinguished Johto Ribbons, which she proudly displays to Ash and the gang in "A Full Course Tag Battle!" Although Dawn emerges victorious over the "Princess of Hoenn," May's optimistic and determined spirit remains unshaken as she sets her sights on dominating more Contests in Johto. Her resilience and positivity are truly admirable!

2 May's Tag Team Victories

May's Post-Ash Pokemon Journey: What Lies Ahead

In "A Full Course Tag Battle!" episode (in Diamond and Pearl), May makes a comeback and meets her de-facto replacement, Dawn. Despite being opponents, the two hit it off and team up against Charleton and Charlene to secure a seat at the table. Team Rocket interrupts their battle and faces the powerful duo of May and Dawn. Their first battle showcases Glaceon and Buneary delivering a Double Beam Ice Attack combo that eliminates Carnivine, Seviper, and their gang. The girls then earn their entrance to the Seven Stars Restaurant with a Shoto Todoroki inspired move, combining fire and ice with Piplup and Blaziken. May's newfound confidence as a Pokemon trainer is evident as she takes charge and delegates tasks to Dawn. She has certainly grown beyond being Ash's mentee.

1 May's New Friends

May's Post-Ash Pokemon Journey: What Lies Ahead

May's circle of friends expands beyond Ash after her separation from him. Among her new friends is Zoey, whom she meets in the Wallace Cup competition featured in "Staging a Heroes' Welcome!" The pair cheers on Dawn throughout the competition and celebrates together when all three make it to the semi-finals. Zoey and May are impressed with each other's Coordinator skills and show genuine admiration without any trace of jealousy. This is a testament to their sportsmanship, a departure from May's previous behavior. It's not surprising that May is acquainted with other notable figures in the Pokemon world, such as the "Princess of Hoenn" Lisia and Serena, whom she befriends through their shared love of Contests.