Mastering the Unspoken Tactics of Playing Dead by Daylight's Blight: Pro Tips Revealed

Mastering the Unspoken Tactics of Playing Dead by Daylight's Blight: Pro Tips Revealed

Master the art of playing Dead by Daylight's Blight, a lethal Killer with unique abilities Learn the unwritten rules for dominating the game, avoiding tunneling, maximizing chase potential, and creating a balanced Blight build Unleash your killer instincts!


Don't tunnel unhooked survivors with Blight's power, as it's considered unfair gameplay.

Make sure to take advantage of Blight's ability in chases instead of overlooking it. However, be mindful not to create a build for Blight that is overly strong with overpowering add-ons and perks. This can result in matches that are frustrating for survivors and dull for the killer.

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Similar to other multiplayer games that receive frequent updates, the Dead by Daylight ecosystem is quite delicate. With the addition of new playable characters, Perks, and add-ons on a regular basis, the game's meta is constantly changing due to ongoing updates and patches. In such situations, it is essential to establish a clear set of rules that the community can follow, irrespective of the balance at any given time.

Nearly every aspect of Dead by Daylight has its own set of unwritten rules. While not set in stone, these guidelines are highly valued by experienced players to ensure fairness and enjoyment for everyone. Naturally, many of these unwritten rules revolve around Dead by Daylight's Killers and the expected and frowned-upon behaviors within the wider community. Since Blight is one of the game's most powerful Killers, players are expected to adhere to a few important rules to ensure that the match remains enjoyable for all participants.

Don't Use Blight's Power to Tunnel Unhooked Survivors

Mastering the Unspoken Tactics of Playing Dead by Daylight's Blight: Pro Tips Revealed

Don't Ignore a Chase as Blight

A crucial tip for all Dead by Daylight Killers, including Blight, is to avoid tunneling. Tunneling refers to the practice of relentlessly pursuing a single player throughout the entire match. Unfortunately, Blight's unique ability often tempts players to engage in this unsportsmanlike tactic. With the power to swiftly dash across the entire map, Blight can quickly travel from one side to another, positioning himself near the Survivor just moments after they have been unhooked. Regrettably, many Blight players exploit this opportunity to focus solely on the injured Survivor, a move that is widely regarded as unethical by the Dead by Daylight community.

Mastering the Unspoken Tactics of Playing Dead by Daylight's Blight: Pro Tips Revealed

Effective generator and map management are crucial for playing as the Killer in Dead by Daylight. However, mastering these skills can be challenging, especially for certain playable Killers. Blight, with his unique ability, has the extraordinary capability of sprinting across the entire map in a matter of seconds, if utilized correctly. But it is essential to note that this does not imply a strategy of simply camping the generators. The true power of Blight's ability lies in its purpose for thrilling chases. Both players and opponents can greatly enjoy the experience when Blight actively engages in these heart-pounding pursuits.

Try Not to Create an Absurdly Overpowered Blight Build

Mastering the Unspoken Tactics of Playing Dead by Daylight's Blight: Pro Tips Revealed

This unwritten rule applies to all S-Tier Killers in Dead by Daylight, and Blight recently joined this category due to notable buffs. While other Killers are getting consistently nerfed, Blight continues to receive minor buffs. It has now become more crucial than ever for Blight players to avoid creating excessively toxic builds.

These buffs have granted Blight access to incredibly powerful add-ons, with one particularly egregious add-on completely recharging his ability after successfully hitting a player just once during a dash. Additionally, Blight players have a wide range of Perks at their disposal, including several combinations that can be deemed toxic. While it is acceptable to use the game's top Perks with Blight, players should strive to avoid creating imbalanced builds that are nearly impossible for Survivors to counter. Imbalanced matches can lead to frustration for Survivors and boredom for the Killer.

Dead by Daylight is available now on PC, PS4, PS5, Switch, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.