Mastering Michael Myers: Top Builds for Dead by Daylight (2024)

Experience the chilling presence of Michael Myers in Dead by Daylight with these top builds that enhance his deadly abilities and strike fear into your opponents. Unleash his power with precision and strategy as you dominate the game.
The Shape, also known as Michael Myers, is the first licensed Killer in Dead by Daylight. He is a ruthless Killer with a dark obsession, stalking Survivors from a distance and building up his ferocity before going in for the kill. This relentless pursuit makes The Shape a terrifying opponent, as he picks off players one by one.
In this Dead by Daylight guide, we will showcase some of the best builds for players to use with The Shape. Whether you are a beginner or a seasoned player, we will cover both teachable and non-teachable perks to help you maximize your experience while playing as this sinister character.
In 2024, there have been changes to the meta for Dead by Daylight killer perks. This guide has been updated by Lewis Smyth on March 7, 2024, to provide the best builds for The Shape, also known as Michael Myers. The guide includes a list of both teachable and non-teachable perks, as well as a collection of his most powerful add-ons.
The Shape: Best Non-Teachable Build (2024)
dead by daylight the shape best build non teachable - The Shape: Best Non-Teachable Build (2024)
Playing as The Shape in Dead by Daylight can be tough without the usual Killer perks. But don't worry, this build is here to help. We use Play With Your Food to speed up Myers' slower movement, Sloppy Butcher to make the game slower for Survivors, and Bitter Murmur plus Hex: No One Escapes Death to finish off any remaining players in the late game. No need to spend time stalking Survivors for an easy takedown!
Play with Your Food (The Shape) – When you start a chase with the Obsession and then let them get away, you can earn up to three tokens. Each token you earn boosts your movement speed by 5%. But remember, using any attack will consume one token.
Hex: No One Escapes Death (General Perk) – Once the final generator is finished, all Survivors will be hit with the Exposed status, leaving them vulnerable. At the same time, players will get a 4% speed boost until the Hex Totem is removed.
Bitter Murmur (General Perk) – When a generator is finished, you can see the auras of Survivors near it for 5 seconds. After all generators are done, you can see all Survivors' auras for 10 seconds.
Sloppy Butcher (General Perk) – When you hit a Survivor with a basic attack, they will suffer from Mangled and Hemorrhage effects. This makes their healing slower by 25% and reverses any progress if they stop healing.
The Shape: Best Build (2024)
dead by daylight the shape best build teachable - The Shape: Best Build (2024)
This build is designed to slow down generator progress using a variety of perks. Since The Shape lacks map mobility, it is important for him to focus on guarding a group of nearby generators, keeping an eye on their progress, and destroying them with The Artist's Scourge Hook: Pain Resonance and Grim Embrace. Additionally, Corrupt Intervention can create early game pressure, while Coup de Grâce helps The Shape navigate loops more effectively.
Corrupt Intervention, also known as The Plague, blocks the three generators farthest from the Killer's starting location at the beginning of the trial for 120 seconds or until the first survivor is downed.
Scourge Hook: Pain Resonance (The Artist) – The Killer begins with four tokens. If they hook different Survivors on a white Scourge Hook, they lose one token and destroy the generator with the most progress, reducing it by 25%.
Grim Embrace (The Artist) - Whenever the Killer hooks a new Survivor, all generators are blocked for 12 seconds after moving 16 meters away from the hook. After hooking each Survivor once, all generators are blocked for 40 seconds and the Obsession's aura is revealed for six seconds.
Coup de Grâce (The Twins) – For each generator completed, this perk gains two tokens. Use one token to increase lunge attack distance by 80%.
The Shape: Best Add-Ons (2024)
Memorial Flower
dead by daylight the shape memorial flower addon - Memorial Flower - The Shape: Best Add-Ons (2024)
The Hair Brush is a common rarity add-on for Michael Myers that provides a nice bonus to his stalking ability. While it may not be the most impressive add-on, the 11% increased stalking rate can be quite helpful for The Shape, especially considering his slow stalking speed.
dead by daylight the shape hair brush addon - Hair Brush
The Hair Brush is an improved version of the Blond Hair add-on, giving The Shape an extra 20 seconds of instadown power. However, in exchange, players will need to stalk 50% longer to reach Evil Within III for the first time. This add-on works best when paired with stalking-rate gain add-ons, making The Shape a more formidable Killer.
Glass Fragment
dead by daylight the shape glass fragment addon - Glass Fragment
The Dead Rabbit add-on enhances Michael's ability to predict Survivor movements. When paired with perks like The Nemesis' Lethal Pursuer, it allows him to anticipate their paths while stalking. This creates strategic opportunities for cutting them off or outsmarting them.
dead by daylight the shape dead rabbit addon - Dead Rabbit
Offering the Dead Rabbit to The Entity may seem strange, but it actually has its benefits. In Evil Within II, it reduces the Killer's Terror Radius by 25%, making it easier to sneak up on Survivors. However, be cautious because it will increase the Terror Radius in Evil Within III. To balance this out, it's a good idea to pair this add-on with perks like Monitor and Abuse, or others that can alter the Terror Radius. This way, you can avoid giving away your position too early and catch Survivors off guard.
Mirror Shard
dead by daylight the shape mirror shard addon - Mirror Shard
J. Myers Memorial
Just like the Glass Fragment, the J. Myers Memorial add-on extends aura visibility for an additional 2 seconds. This extra time can be crucial when navigating through narrow corners and tricky loops.
dead by daylight the shape j. myers memorial addon - J. Myers Memorial
Like the Memorial Flower, this add-on grants a flat 25% bonus to his stalking gain rate, making The Shape a much more efficient and threatening hunter.
Hair Bow
dead by daylight the shape hair bow addon - Hair Bow
The Tombstone Piece add-on is another powerful tool for extending Evil Within III. Similar to the Rare Hair Bow, it sacrifices stalk time for a longer duration of the ultimate ability. This add-on is considered one of the most effective options for maximizing the potential of the killer.
dead by daylight the shape tombstone piece addon - Tombstone Piece
The Tombstone Piece is considered one of The Shape's most powerful add-ons. It grants Michael the ability to instantly eliminate any Survivor as soon as he reaches Evil Within III, similar to the way Memento Mori used to work. This means he can take out a Survivor regardless of whether they have been hooked before or not.
This brutal ability can quickly turn the tide of a game, and outclasses the Ultra Rare Judith’s Tombstone add-on by omitting the speed debuff that accompanies it.
Scratched Mirror
dead by daylight the shape scratched mirror addon - Scratched Mirror
One of The Shape's special add-ons is the Scratched Mirror. It stops him from reaching Evil Within II but gives him the ability to see auras. This means he can stalk without the usual warning of a Terror Radius, although he moves slower. For maximum effectiveness, pair this add-on with an indoor map like the RPD Badge and a speed boost perk like Play with Your Food. With this combo, Survivors won't know what hit them.
Fragrant Tuft of Hair
dead by daylight the shape fragrant tuft of hair addon - Fragrant Tuft of Hair
With this add-on, the Shape's stalking rate is decreased by 200%. However, you will always have access to Evil Within III, allowing you to instantly take down Survivors without the need to stalk them first. This means you can focus on the game without worrying about managing your power.
Editor's P/S:
This guide provides valuable insights into maximizing the potential of The Shape, also known as Michael Myers, as a Killer in Dead by Daylight. It offers a range of builds tailored to different playstyles and experience levels, showcasing both teachable and non-teachable perks. The guide also includes a collection of The Shape's most powerful add-ons, providing detailed explanations of their effects and strategies for using them effectively.
Overall, the guide is well-written and informative, covering various aspects of playing as The Shape. It effectively conveys the strengths and weaknesses of this character, enabling players to make informed decisions when choosing perks and add-ons. The guide is particularly helpful for both new and experienced players, as it provides a comprehensive understanding of how to use The Shape to its full potential.