Master Your Collection: The Ultimate Guide to Expanding Pokemon Sleep Box Storage

Master Your Collection: The Ultimate Guide to Expanding Pokemon Sleep Box Storage

Maximize your Pokemon Sleep experience with our expert tips on expanding box storage Unlock more space and catch 'em all without worrying about limited storage constraints!

Pokemon Sleep offers an exhilarating and innovative approach to capturing Pokemon. In this game, players must prioritize their sleep and accumulate Drowsy Power, which gradually enhances their ability to attract a greater variety of Pokemon and swiftly complete their Sleep Style Dex.

To make the process smoother, Pokemon Sleep players have the option to utilize specific items, like incense, which can be conveniently obtained from the General Store by exchanging diamonds. Prior to resting, players can apply up to two different types of incense, effectively accelerating their progress. As their collection of Pokemon grows, players may eventually reach their box limit. Fortunately, this limitation can be easily overcome through a straightforward upgrade method.

How To Expand Box Storage

Initially, players start with a storage capacity of 80, while the game features a total of 104 Pokemon, with a multitude of sleep styles. To capture every single Pokemon, players will inevitably need to upgrade their box storage at some point. To check their current storage limit, they can click on the Pokemon icon located in the lower left corner of the screen, and select the Pokemon Box option. This will display all their current available Pokemon and the corresponding storage limit.

Master Your Collection: The Ultimate Guide to Expanding Pokemon Sleep Box Storage

With biscuits being incredibly scarce in Pokemon Sleep, achieving a score of 80 is quite impressive. The task of fully maximizing their Pokemon storage will require a considerable amount of time. In the event that players do manage to fill it up, they have the option to expand their storage capacity by navigating to the Shop, then the General Store, and finally selecting the option to "Expand Pokemon Box." However, doing so comes at a cost of 120 diamonds, which is a substantial amount, particularly considering the difficulty in obtaining this currency.

Players can easily upgrade the storage capacity of their Pokemon Box without the need to visit the General Store. By simply accessing the Pokemon Box, players can click on the Expand option located in the top-right corner. This will prompt a confirmation message, asking if the player wishes to utilize 120 diamonds in order to expand the storage by 20.

Master Your Collection: The Ultimate Guide to Expanding Pokemon Sleep Box Storage

Players who lack the necessary diamonds to expand their box storage can opt to send certain Pokemon back to Professor Neroli. However, it is crucial to note that this action will result in the permanent loss of those Pokemon. It is advisable to send duplicates of the same Pokemon, particularly those with subpar Main Skill and Sub Skills. Pokemon Sleep can be downloaded on both Android and iOS platforms.