Master The Outlast Trials: Ace Your Grade With These Proven Tips

Master The Outlast Trials: Ace Your Grade With These Proven Tips

Master The Outlast Trials: Crush Your Competition With These Proven Tips Learn how to prepare for the trials, utilize RIGs, execute effective strategies, and gain additional insider tips for achieving an A+ grade

The Outlast Trials immerses players in a world of violence and horror, challenging their mettle through a series of brutal experiments. With intricate level designs that induce chaos in the cooperative mode, players must navigate through mazes to achieve the highest grades possible. Better grades not only mean bragging rights but also rewards that can enhance the gameplay experience. However, achieving an A+ grade requires flawless gameplay and attention to every detail, as the game scrutinizes every move made. To succeed in this challenging game, players must prepare themselves and avoid common mistakes that may lower their grades.

Prepare for the Trials

Master The Outlast Trials: Ace Your Grade With These Proven Tips

Familiarity with the program's map layout and objectives is essential for achieving an A+ grade. Equally important is selecting the right Prescriptions, Amps, and RIGs that complement one's play-style. In a co-op program, assigning specific roles to each player, based on their preferred RIGs, is the optimal strategy.

While there are beneficial items scattered throughout the program, their scarcity can hinder one's chances of obtaining an A+ grade. Knowing when to use RIGs can be a matter of life and death in The Outlast Trials.

About RIGs

Master The Outlast Trials: Ace Your Grade With These Proven Tips

There are four kinds of RIGs available for players at this time:

Stun RIG: Stuns enemies in a chase and works similarly to the effect of throwing empty bottles and bricks

Blind RIG: A landmine creates a smokescreen, blinding enemies temporarily.

Heal RIG: Aerosol gas heals the user and nearby companions.

The X-Ray RIG offers an advantage similar to wall-hacks, allowing the user to see through walls and spot crucial items within the game. It also replenishes battery life for extended night vision capabilities. Upgrades are available for each RIG, and with enough upgrades, players can begin the game with their preferred RIG. While it's recommended for a team of four to each choose a different RIG, strategic gameplay may call for multiple players to use the same RIG.

Execute Strategy

Master The Outlast Trials: Ace Your Grade With These Proven Tips

During the program execution, players should prioritize collecting all the collectibles on the map. These items are crucial to achieving an A+ grade in The Outlast Trials and should not be missed. It is recommended to take the most efficient and quietest route to reach all the propaganda posters and ultimately, the program's objective.

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Ensuring survival is crucial. In any program, the top priority should always be to stay alive. This can be challenging when playing solo, so it's important to remain aware of the environment and watch out for potential threats.

Stealth is crucial. Red Barrels, the developers of the Outlast series, have emphasized the importance of stealth as the game is designed to induce fear without a combat system. To complete programs without sustaining any damage or risking death, it's essential to maintain a stealthy approach. Watch out for objects such as broken glass or hanging cans that can create noise and alert nearby enemies.

Refrain from Falling into Traps. One of the innovative features introduced in The Outlast Trials is the effect of Psychosis, triggered when a Reagent's Sanity Level is low. This can be induced by various means, such as stepping on mines, failing lockpicking challenges, or opening booby-trapped doors or containers. Once Psychosis sets in, Reagents become the prey of Skinner Man, and their only escape is through the use of an antidote.

Additional Tips For An A+ Grade

Master The Outlast Trials: Ace Your Grade With These Proven Tips

Each program is unique, and so are the challenges players have to face in them. However, most of them can be completed if they keep these points in mind.

Exploit the Weaknesses of Your Enemies

In The Outlast Trials, players are introduced to a variety of new antagonists, each with their own unique weaknesses that can be exploited. For instance, while the Berserker may be physically stronger than the Big Grunts, they are also blind under their mask, making them particularly sensitive to sound. By formulating a plan that takes into account the weaknesses of each enemy, players can greatly increase their chances of success.

Be Resourceful with Your Items

The Outlast Trials rewards players for being resourceful with the items they find throughout the game, such as batteries and antidotes. Using empty bottles and bricks to distract or stun enemies not only showcases a player's creativity and strategic thinking, but also grants them increased XP. Utilizing these items whenever necessary can be an easy way to earn extra XP and potentially achieve an A+ grade.

Assist Your Companions. While playing with friends, offering assistance by reviving them after an enemy attack or using the Heal RIG mist to restore their health contributes positively to your overall grading. Additionally, if your party is struggling to achieve an A+ grade, one member can focus on maximizing their score while the others distract the enemies. This strategy requires four playthroughs in a party of four, but it can be significantly simpler than attempting to achieve an A+ grade in a single run.

The Outlast Trials is now accessible on PC.