Discover the Ultimate Strategy to Level Up Faster in The Outlast Trials

Discover the Ultimate Strategy to Level Up Faster in The Outlast Trials

Maximize the benefits of Therapy Level in The Outlast Trials with our expert tips Learn how to quickly increase your level and improve your gameplay experience

Players can enhance their character's abilities and progress through The Outlast Trials by purchasing Rigs, Prescriptions, or Amps from Murkoff Facility employees in the Sleep Room. This is where players undertake trial-based Therapy to escape the horrors of the facility. A character's strength is measured by their Therapy Level, which is crucial to unlocking upgrades that facilitate combat against enemies. As players advance through the Program trials, the missions become increasingly challenging, making it imperative to increase Therapy Level quickly.

How to Increase Therapy Level Fast in The Outlast Trials

Discover the Ultimate Strategy to Level Up Faster in The Outlast Trials

Players can earn XP by completing the Program trials, which contributes to their Therapy Level. These trials involve executing various missions on behalf of Murkoff Facility in themed areas that are often dangerous. To succeed in the trials, players must complete multiple tasks while evading enemies, with a final objective to be achieved. However, if players perish before completing the final objective, the trial is deemed unsuccessful, and all progress is forfeited.

Discover the Ultimate Strategy to Level Up Faster in The Outlast Trials

Players can earn XP by participating in trials, regardless of whether they succeed or fail. However, achieving good grades can result in a significantly larger amount of XP, Cash, and Decorations. Trials are graded on a scale from F to A+, with A+ grades offering the most rewards. To earn higher grades, players must complete objectives with the least number of mistakes, avoiding deaths, traps, and entering psychosis.

Playing with friends in online multiplayer matches makes the trials easier. In solo play, players have three chances to respawn after dying before failing the trial. In co-op, players can be revived by their companions, so the mission only ends when everyone is downed. Even if a player earns a low grade due to dying multiple times, they still receive more XP than failing altogether.

Discover the Ultimate Strategy to Level Up Faster in The Outlast Trials

Replaying trials is a smart move for players who want to earn more XP. By repeating the trials, players can become familiar with the maps and puzzles, making it easier to anticipate what lies ahead. Although certain aspects of the trials may change with each playthrough, the majority of the content will remain the same. Successfully completing a trial with a high grade increases the chances of earning enough XP to level up in Therapy.

Increasing the Therapy Level in The Outlast Trials has numerous benefits. Players can unlock three important NPCs - the Engineer, the Pharmacy, and the Amp Seller. These NPCs offer equipment, abilities, and bonuses that can be used during the trials. These tools assist players in improving their offensive and defensive skills, making solo and multiplayer matches easier to navigate.

Discover the Ultimate Strategy to Level Up Faster in The Outlast Trials

The Outlast Trials is available in Early Access on PC.