Master Seed Planting in V Rising's Secrets of Gloomrot

Master Seed Planting in V Rising's Secrets of Gloomrot

Master the art of planting seeds in V Rising's post-Secrets of Gloomrot update with these expert tips Learn the new mechanics and tricks to cultivate a thriving garden in your base building journey

Previously, planting seeds in V Rising was a simple task that allowed players to freely grow flowers and reagents inside their castles. However, with the introduction of the Secrets of Gloomrot update, planting now requires more effort and resources due to changes in how territories work. Despite the increased challenge, players can now create stunning gardens filled with a variety of flora found in the game.

How To Plant Seeds In V Rising

Master Seed Planting in V Rising's Secrets of Gloomrot

Planting seeds now requires players to construct Growing Plots before proceeding. These plots can be unlocked by defeating Polora the Feywalker, who can be found in the Gleaming Meadows at the western edge of the Farbane Woods. Players should exercise caution when battling Polora, as her numerous projectiles and crowd-control effects can be quite challenging.

Once Polora has been defeated, players will have access to a complete range of gardening options to choose from when designing their castles. This includes a variety of floor tiles, as well as the previously mentioned Growing Plots, which come in various sizes. To plant seeds, simply place them in the hotbar and left-click on any vacant Growing Plot.

Large Growing Plots are the only ones that can accommodate tree saplings, allowing for a higher yield of crops. Additionally, any combination of seeds can be planted in a single crop, making it easier for players to manage their farms. The best part is, once planted, the crops require no maintenance to grow and thrive.

Growing Plots, with the exception of Exterior Growing Plots, can be placed anywhere in the castle, making it possible for players to incorporate plants like Hell's Clarions and Blood Roses as interior decor.

Where To Get Seeds

Master Seed Planting in V Rising's Secrets of Gloomrot

Seeds can be obtained by destroying plants with weapons. While wandering around V Rising's regions and collecting seeds by attacking every flower can be fruitful, it may not be the easiest method.

Alternatively, players can visit trading hubs located in Farbane Woods, Dunley Farmlands, and Brighthaven to purchase seeds from herb and potion vendors. It is important to note that the currency accepted by the vendors may vary depending on the area they are located in. So, be sure to carry enough Copper, Silver, or Goldsun coins to make the purchase.