Married at First Sight Season 17: Fans' Top 8 Gripes (Unveiling the Most Disliked Participant)

Married at First Sight Season 17: Fans' Top 8 Gripes (Unveiling the Most Disliked Participant)

Married at First Sight Season 17 triggers mixed reactions among viewers, sparking discomfort and controversy.

Married at First Sight season 17 has captured the attention of viewers with its entertaining content. The Lifetime series, which premiered in October 2023, follows the love journeys of couples from Denver. One of the featured pairs on the show was Orion Martzloff and Lauren G, who initially appeared to be a promising match. Despite having common interests and seeming compatible, the 27-year-old independent contractor and the 31-year-old federal budget officer struggled with trust issues and found themselves arguing over trivial matters, which strained their relationship.

Another couple, Emily Balch and Brennan Shoykhet, also seemed to have a strong connection at the beginning. The 30-year-old senior consultant and the 28-year-old account management specialist were in sync with each other until Brennan made a comment referring to Emily as a red flag, causing tension between them. This incident led to a decrease in their mutual attraction, hinting at a potentially bitter end to their relationship. In addition to Orion and Lauren and Emily and Brennan, the show featured three other couples: Clare Kerr and Cameron Frazer, Becca Haley and Austin Reed, and Michael Shiakallis and Chloe Brown.

MAFS Fans Think Austin Is Not In To Becca

Austin Looks Relieved To Not Be Close Becca

MAFS season17 Becca and Austin embracing during an interview - Austin Looks Relieved To Not Be Close Becca - MAFS Fans Think Austin Is Not In To Becca

MAFS season17 Becca and Austin embracing during an interview - Austin Looks Relieved To Not Be Close Becca - MAFS Fans Think Austin Is Not In To Becca

Viewers of Married at First Sight season 17 have had mixed feelings about the show. One major issue that fans have raised is Austin's treatment of Becca. Despite the expectation for Austin to be supportive and loving towards Becca, his actions often fall short. At 32 years old, Austin has shown little affection towards Becca, leading some to question his true feelings for her. Recently, viewers expressed their concerns on social media platforms like X (formerly Twitter), pointing out instances where Austin seemed indifferent or even pleased by Becca's discomfort. For example, one fan, KimberlyCoombs5, commented on Austin's reaction to Becca's stomach issue.

“he’s happy it’s another night he doesn’t have to put out.”

MAFS Fans Want Orion Off The Show

Orion Keeps Mistreating Lauren

Lauren and Orion from Married at First Sight season 17 looking upset montage - Orion Keeps Mistreating Lauren - MAFS Fans Want Orion Off The Show

Lauren and Orion from Married at First Sight season 17 looking upset montage - Orion Keeps Mistreating Lauren - MAFS Fans Want Orion Off The Show

Viewers have grown weary of Orion's mistreatment of Lauren, which has been ongoing for quite some time. It all began when Lauren innocently commented on Orion's red skin, expressing concern over his sunburn. Unfortunately, Orion misconstrued her words and began mistreating her without any valid reason. As the weeks passed, Orion went as far as to pass judgment on Lauren's past, crossing a line that did not sit well with the viewers. Unsurprisingly, his newfound rude behavior did not go over well with fans, who took to X to urge the network to remove him from the show. One fan even expressed their sentiment, stating, "we do not want to see him nor do we care."

MAFS Fans Think Chloe’s Celebrity Story Was “Ick”

Chloe Has Already Lost Support From Her Partner & Fans

Chloe and Michael from Married at First Sight season 17 in wedding attire with experts in the backgroound - Chloe Has Already Lost Support From Her Partner & Fans - MAFS Fans Think Chloe’s Celebrity Story Was “Ick”

Chloe and Michael from Married at First Sight season 17 in wedding attire with experts in the backgroound - Chloe Has Already Lost Support From Her Partner & Fans - MAFS Fans Think Chloe’s Celebrity Story Was “Ick”

It’s rare for a cast member to truly repulse fans with their behavior. Yet, Chloe managed to do just that by sharing her controversial past encounters with celebrities, leaving many feeling uneasy. During an episode of Married at First Sight, the star admitted to a wild partying lifestyle in her youth, where she constantly pursued famous individuals. This revelation left Michael stunned and viewers less than impressed. One social media user even chimed in, expressing their disapproval (as reported by shortstack812).

“to name drop not only 1 but 2 celebrity groups gave me the total ick.”

MAFS Fans Feel Cameron & Clare Create Their Own Issues

Cameron & Clare Argue Over The Smallest Things

Cameron and Clare from MAFS Season 17 talking on a couch  - Cameron & Clare Argue Over The Smallest Things - MAFS Fans Feel Cameron & Clare Create Their Own Issues

Cameron and Clare from MAFS Season 17 talking on a couch - Cameron & Clare Argue Over The Smallest Things - MAFS Fans Feel Cameron & Clare Create Their Own Issues

Viewers have expressed frustration with Cameron and Clare's behavior this season. Despite appearing stable, the 33-year-old businessman and the 28-year-old therapist frequently engage in unnecessary arguments. Clare tends to be overly critical, concerned, and fixated on trivial matters, while Cameron struggles with sharing his thoughts and lacks confidence in opening up. Speculation among viewers suggests that Cameron and Clare may manufacture their problems due to a lack of significant issues. KimberlyCoombs5 remarked, "I don't think THEY even know what the issues are."

MAFS Fans Are Sick Of Brennan

Fans Find Brennan’s Personality Monotone

Married at First Sight season 17 Emily Balch after accident holding towel on head and Brennan looking on shocked - Fans Find Brennan’s Personality Monotone - MAFS Fans Are Sick Of Brennan

Married at First Sight season 17 Emily Balch after accident holding towel on head and Brennan looking on shocked - Fans Find Brennan’s Personality Monotone - MAFS Fans Are Sick Of Brennan

Viewers are becoming increasingly frustrated with Brennan on Married At First Sight season 17. His treatment of his partner, Emily, has been less than pleasant, with many fans finding him disrespectful. The negativity towards Brennan has reached a point where discussions on various platforms, such as X, have emerged. Commentators have not held back, with one expressing, “Brennan is so annoying,” and another adding,

"People simply can’t stand Brennan anymore. They feel he’s not a good guy and are irritated that Emily still chooses him despite his behavior. It took Emily getting damned near decapitated before you could start to treat her with any type of respect?"

MAFS Fans Hate Orion’s “Victim Card”

Orion Often Displays Victim Mentality Behavior

Lauren and Orion MAFS Season 17 having a video call while sitting next to each other 2 - Orion Often Displays Victim Mentality Behavior - MAFS Fans Hate Orion’s “Victim Card”

Lauren and Orion MAFS Season 17 having a video call while sitting next to each other 2 - Orion Often Displays Victim Mentality Behavior - MAFS Fans Hate Orion’s “Victim Card”

It's disheartening to witness cast members portraying themselves as victims on reality TV shows. Throughout the episodes, viewers have observed Orion's transformation from appearing normal to constantly playing the victim card. Despite his inconsistent actions and mistreatment towards Lauren, Orion managed to position himself as the ultimate victim on Married at First Sight season 17. He frequently discussed his past struggles, painful experiences, and emotional turmoil. Ultimately, Orion utilized his victim narrative as a justification to request a divorce from Lauren, portraying himself as the central figure in their relationship. Orion's victim mindset has been met with disdain from viewers.

MAFS Fans Think Clare IS Irritating

Clare Enjoys Celebrity Status For No Reason

Clare Kerr and Cameron Frazer from Married at First Sight season 17 wedding photo and pink background photo montage - Clare Enjoys Celebrity Status For No Reason - MAFS Fans Think Clare IS Irritating

Clare Kerr and Cameron Frazer from Married at First Sight season 17 wedding photo and pink background photo montage - Clare Enjoys Celebrity Status For No Reason - MAFS Fans Think Clare IS Irritating

Many viewers have taken to social media to express their frustration with Clare. One fan shared on Realiteatv30 how annoyed they were by Clare constantly attending events without any acknowledgment from Cam. The lack of a genuine on-screen storyline for Clare is a major point of contention among fans. Additionally, fans are criticizing the shallowness of Married at First Sight season 17, highlighting the broken couples, quest for fame, and insufficient storytelling as significant concerns.

MAFS Fans Think Becca Begging For Sex Is Cringe

Becca’s Desperation Repels Viewers

Becca and Austin from Married at First Sight season 17 montage and blue background - Becca’s Desperation Repels Viewers - MAFS Fans Think Becca Begging For Sex Is Cringe

Becca and Austin from Married at First Sight season 17 montage and blue background - Becca’s Desperation Repels Viewers - MAFS Fans Think Becca Begging For Sex Is Cringe

Custom Image by César García

Fans initially liked Becca, but many began to cringe when she begged Austin for attention. The photographer and her new husband faced intimacy issues from the start, but Becca's actions caught viewers off guard. Recently, fans took to social media to express their discomfort with Becca's behavior, with one commenting that she should stop begging for intimacy. Hopefully, Married at First Sight season 17 will improve in the upcoming episodes.

Married At First Sight can be watched on Wednesdays at 8 p.m. EST on Lifetime.

Sources: KimberlyCoombs5/X, DivaDebbs/X, shortstack812/X, KimberlyCoombs5/X, _HippieLiving/X, luv_2_h8_zillas/X, Realiteatv30/X, m_sarr/X

Editor's P/S:

This article provides a comprehensive overview of the fan reactions to the ongoing 17th season of "Married at First Sight." The show has sparked a range of emotions among viewers, with some couples receiving positive feedback and others facing criticism. The article highlights specific incidents and behaviors that have drawn the ire of fans, such as Austin's apparent lack of affection towards Becca, Orion's mistreatment of Lauren, and Brennan's disrespectful attitude towards Emily. It also explores the growing frustration with Clare's constant attention-seeking and the shallowness of the season's storylines. Overall, the article effectively captures the mixed reactions and concerns of viewers regarding the direction and content of "Married at First Sight" season 17.

As a reader, I found the article to be engaging and informative. It provided a valuable insight into the fan perspective of the show, allowing me to understand the specific issues and criticisms raised. The inclusion of social media comments and references to specific episodes added credibility to the article's claims. However, I would have appreciated a more balanced approach that also highlighted any positive feedback or support received by the show and its participants. Despite this minor limitation, the article effectively conveyed the current sentiment among "Married at First Sight" viewers, making it a worthwhile read for anyone interested in the show's ongoing developments.