Personal selling is an effective tool to help businesses connect with customers, both as a sales channel and as a promotion and customer care channel. For the personal selling process to take place ef...
What is Personal Selling? What is the role of personal selling in business operations? What are the pros and cons of personal selling compared to other Promotional Tools?
What is Sales Promotion? What role does sales/trade promotion play for businesses in general and marketing activities in particular? How many sales promotion tools (forms of trade promotion/Sales Prom...
In Marketing, competitor analysis to help businesses is extremely important. The process of analyzing and researching competitors in Marketing includes 3 steps: Identify competitors...
What is pricing strategy? Differences between Pricing Strategy and Product Pricing method. Explanation of Popular pricing strategies in Marketing. Steps to implement each pricing strategy.
CRM, short for Customer Relationship Management, roughly translated as Customer Relationship Management System, is a system for managing contact between businesses and customers. The system includes t...
What is Marketing Management? Analyze the role of the marketing manager. List of tasks and jobs of Marketing management. Overview of the marketing management process.