What is a brand?

What is a brand? Elements that make up the brand. Examples of some famous brands.
What is a brand?
Brand is all experiences and feelings of customers about a product or a business. In other words, the brand represents the image of the product and the business in the customer's mind. In addition, the brand also represents the quality factor, the value of the product, the commitment of the business, and the trust from customers.
Examples of some famous brands
To understand better, let's take a look at some examples below:
When it comes to Apple, most people will immediately think of a large enterprise that produces high-end, trendy technology products with outstanding quality (Iphone, Ipad, Macbook...)
When it comes to Nike, people will immediately think of high-quality sport shoes, clothes & equipment which are usually worn by top athletes.
When mentioning Honda, we will immediately think of motorcycles or cars with outstanding durability, high fuel economy when operating, a large system of warranty and repair locations, bringing high efficiency to customers. economic benefits for users.