What is Label? Differences between Label and Brand

What is Label? Differences between Label and Brand

What is Label? What are the differences between Label and Brand

What is Label?

A label (trademark) is a sign used to distinguish between products or businesses. In fact, a trademark can be a name, sign or image (logo) or a combination of the above.

OMO label

OMO label

 CocaCola label

 CocaCola label

Nike label

Nike label

Pepsi label

Pepsi label

Porsche label

Porsche label

Microsoft label

Microsoft label

Differences between Label and Brand

It is important to distinguish clearly between the concept of a trademark and a brand.

Label (Trandemark) Brand

- Is a name, symbol or image (logo) or a combination of both elements

- Is a name, symbol or image (logo) or a combination of both

- Is the outer form

- Is the value associated with a brand, product, or business: Prestige, satisfaction, service style, market segment...

- Is the value contained inside

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

A label is a piece of paper, cloth, or similar material that is attached to a product or container and provides information about the product.
A brand is a name, term, design, symbol, or other feature that identifies one seller's product as distinct from those of other sellers.
A label provides information about the product while a brand identifies the product and distinguishes it from others.
Yes, a label can also be a brand if it is used to identify and distinguish the product from others.
Labels include nutrition facts, ingredients, and warnings. Brands include Nike, Coca-Cola, and Apple.