Marketing Management - Kotler & Keler - Buy/Free Download (PDF)

Marketing Management - Kotler & Keler - Buy/Free Download (PDF)

Marketing Management is a textbook written by Philip Kotler and Kevin Lane Keller with content that delves deeper into management issues in Marketing.

Marketing Management 15th Edition - Ebook

Marketing Management

Language: English (English)

Book title translated into Vietnamese: Marketing Management

Author: Philip Kotler & Kevin Lane Keller

Last Edition: 15th Edition


Marketing Management is a pretty famous textbook written by Philip Kotler and Kevin Lane Keller, next to Principles of Marketing. Different from the Principles of Marketing when providing marketing knowledge, Marketing Management goes deeper into marketing issues related to management, in which focus is on building plans, strategies, allocating resources, building Building and managing a team of marketing, branding and management personnel.


  • Students at universities and graduate schools study intensively in the field of Marketing management
  • Lecturers at universities, colleges, intermediate schools, academies, training centers specializing in Marketing
  • Managers and leaders in businesses
  • Startups

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Marketing Management 15th Edition

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Edition: 8th

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Marketing Management 14th Edition

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Edition: 5th
