Lost Chance: The Secret Story of Yellowjackets Star's Failed Star Wars Audition

Lost Chance: The Secret Story of Yellowjackets Star's Failed Star Wars Audition

Discover the heart-wrenching story of Yellowjackets star's failed audition for the role of Rey in Star Wars and unearth what her portrayal of the beloved character would have been like

Courtney Eaton, known for her role in Yellowjackets, recently revealed an embarrassing moment during her audition for the role of Rey in Star Wars: The Force Awakens. Despite the competition being tough, with actresses such as Jessica Henwick, Elizabeth Olsen, and Saorise Ronan also auditioning, it's hard to imagine anyone other than Daisy Ridley playing the iconic character. However, Eaton shared that her experience was not as enjoyable as others'.

For Australian actor, X, it proved to be more than he bargained for. Despite being flown out to L.A. for an in-person audition with costume director and director J.J. Abrams, X found himself struggling with an intense scene and getting frustrated with himself. Unfortunately, the pressure got to him and X had a panic attack, ultimately ruining his audition. While X acknowledges that Daisy Ridley was ultimately the perfect fit for the role, the memory of his failed audition still haunts him to this day.

What Would Courtney Eaton's Rey Have Been Like?

Lost Chance: The Secret Story of Yellowjackets Star's Failed Star Wars Audition

Eaton auditioned for a role in Star Wars: The Force Awakens during the early stages of her career. While it's possible that this could have been her big break instead of Mad Max: Fury Road, Eaton has since proven her ability to portray complex characters. It's intriguing to imagine her acting alongside Adam Driver, exploring the struggle for balance between light and dark in an alternate version of Star Wars: The Last Jedi. However, it's become clear that no one else could truly embody the character of Rey. Eaton acknowledges that Daisy Ridley was the perfect fit for the role, and will continue to bring the Jedi to life in upcoming Star Wars films. J.J. Abrams made the right choice in casting Ridley for The Force Awakens.