Kylo Ren's Loss: Explaining the Perplexing Defeat

Kylo Ren's Loss: Explaining the Perplexing Defeat

An in-depth analysis of Kylo Ren's loss to Rey in Star Wars: The Force Awakens and the factors that explain this perplexing defeat.

Kylo Ren's Defeat: An In-Depth Look

Kylo Ren's loss to Rey at the end of Star Wars: The Force Awakens has been a point of perplexity for many fans. However, a closer examination of the events leading up to the climactic duel sheds light on the factors that explain this unexpected outcome.

Adam Driver as Kylo Ren in Star Wars The Force Awakens

Adam Driver as Kylo Ren in Star Wars The Force Awakens

Kylo Ren, also known as Ben Solo, emerges as one of the primary antagonists in the Star Wars sequel trilogy. Having been a student in Luke Skywalker's new generation of Jedi, he eventually succumbs to the dark side of the Force and joins the Knights of Ren, a deadly dark side-using organization distinct from the Sith Order.

Despite being depicted as a powerful and skilled villain, his defeat to Rey may seem perplexing at first glance. However, one key moment shortly before the duel provides crucial insight into his unexpected loss.

The Factors Behind Kylo Ren's Loss

After brutally murdering his father, Han Solo, Kylo Ren pursues Finn and Rey into the forests of Ilum, which had been converted into the First Order superweapon Starkiller Base. In a brave attempt, Finn battles Kylo but is swiftly defeated, despite his tenacity. Rey then summons the lightsaber and duels Ren, ultimately besting him and leaving him wounded.

While Rey's victory may initially seem dubious, there are several factors at play that allow it to make sense in-universe. One crucial factor is the injury sustained by Kylo Ren shortly before the duels with Finn and Rey. Kylo Ren takes a shot from a Wookiee bowcaster, a weapon known for its exceptional lethality. The Force Awakens emphasizes the destructive nature of bowcasters, particularly through Han Solo's preference for the Wookiee weapon over blasters.

Chewbacca shoots Kylo Ren with his bowcaster after he kills Han Solo in the Force Awakens

Chewbacca shoots Kylo Ren with his bowcaster after he kills Han Solo in the Force Awakens

The fact that Kylo Ren survives the bowcaster blast proves his resilience, as he uses the dark side to dampen the effects of the wound. However, this injury naturally makes him far less formidable in his subsequent battles with Finn and Rey. Furthermore, his intent to kill Finn and capture Rey also plays a significant role in his differing approach to each confrontation, ultimately affecting the outcome.

Understanding Kylo Ren's Defeat

Kylo Ren's defeat to Rey in The Force Awakens can be better understood when considering his debilitating injury and his strategic intentions during the duels. His survival of the bowcaster blast showcases his resilience, but it also explains why he was ultimately defeated by Rey. The utilization of the dark side to mitigate the effects of the wound resulted in him being far less formidable in combat, which significantly contributed to his loss.

While his defeat in single combat may seem perplexing from a real-world perspective, it aligns with the in-universe context. However, from a storytelling standpoint, the choice to have Kylo Ren be bested in his debut movie significantly impacts his threat level as an antagonist. This decision raises questions about the narrative direction and the portrayal of Kylo Ren as the primary villain in the sequel trilogy.