Kevin Costner Reflects on Collaborating with Matt Damon and Ben Affleck as 'Field of Dreams' Extras

Kevin Costner Reflects on Collaborating with Matt Damon and Ben Affleck as 'Field of Dreams' Extras

Discover Kevin Costner's insights on his experience working alongside Matt Damon and Ben Affleck as extras during the filming of 'Field of Dreams' in 1989.

Kevin Costner Recalls Working With Matt Damon and Ben Affleck When They Were Field of Dreams Extras

Kevin Costner Recalls Working With Matt Damon and Ben Affleck When They Were Field of Dreams Extras

Kevin Costner, Ben Affleck, and Matt Damon Stephane Cardinale - Corbis/Corbis via Getty Images;Tim Mosenfelder/Getty Images

Kevin Costner recently shared his thoughts on watching Matt Damon and Ben Affleck begin their careers in Hollywood. He talked about working with Damon, who is now 53, and Affleck, who is 51, when they were extras on the film "Field of Dreams" back in 1989.

He remembered them sitting in the stands like college guys, leaning in and out at the same time, looking at each other simultaneously. They talked with big enthusiasm and were on fire. He vividly remembers them.

During the making of Field of Dreams, Affleck was 16 and Damon was 18. Jimmy Kimmel invited Damon to share his experience working with Costner, which he recounted live.

"I remember it clearly. I had a poster of The Untouchables on my wall," Damon shared with Kimmel. He mentioned how Kevin Costner, the star of the 1987 film, would spend time with the extras in between filming. Damon recalled asking Costner what he was doing, to which Costner replied, 'Shootin' the s—t.' This made Damon burst into laughter like a 12-year-old girl. It was a significant moment for them as Costner had the exact career they aspired to have and he was very friendly towards them."

Affleck and Damon have been best friends and collaborators for many years. They grew up together in Massachusetts and later worked together to write the script for the movie Good Will Hunting, which won an Oscar in 1997.

According to Affleck, they rented a house on the beach in Venice where 800 people came to stay and party with them. When they ran out of money, they had to move to a more affordable apartment. They lived in various places like Glendale, Eagle Rock, Hollywood, West Hollywood, Venice, and near the Hollywood Bowl. Sometimes they had to leave places or find new ones depending on their financial situation.

Affleck and Damon have worked together on several projects such as School Ties, The Battle of Shaker Heights, and The Last Duel. In 2001, they co-founded the HBO series Project Greenlight. This documentary TV show focuses on giving first-time filmmakers the opportunity to direct a feature film.

During a joint interview with Entertainment Weekly in January 2022, Affleck expressed the importance of his friendship with Damon. He mentioned how Damon's support during crucial moments in his life was invaluable and played a significant role in his success.

Editor's P/S:

The article highlights the extraordinary journey of Matt Damon and Ben Affleck, two young actors who began their careers as extras on the set of "Field of Dreams." Kevin Costner's mentorship and the unwavering support of their friendship have been instrumental in their success. The article captures the essence of their camaraderie and the impact it has had on their lives and careers.

The article also sheds light on the challenges faced by aspiring actors, particularly the financial struggles that Affleck and Damon encountered. Their determination and resilience, along with the support of their families and friends, allowed them to overcome these obstacles and achieve their dreams. The article serves as an inspiration, reminding us of the power of perseverance and the importance of mentors and friendships in our lives.