Kate Beckinsale Teams Up with Scott Eastwood for Thriller Film 'Stolen Secrets' Post Hospital Mystery

Kate Beckinsale Teams Up with Scott Eastwood for Thriller Film 'Stolen Secrets' Post Hospital Mystery

Following a secretive hospital stay, Kate Beckinsale joins forces with Scott Eastwood in a thrilling new project

Kate Beckinsale to Star in Kidnapping Drama ‘Stolen Girl’ Following Mystery Hospital Stay

Kate Beckinsale to Star in Kidnapping Drama ‘Stolen Girl’ Following Mystery Hospital Stay

Kate Beckinsale. John Salangsang/Golden Globes 2024/Golden Globes 2024 via Getty Images

Kate Beckinsale is not letting her recent health issues stop her from working in the film industry. At 50 years old, she is set to star in the upcoming kidnapping drama Stolen Girl with Scott Eastwood. The movie, currently in pre-production, will follow the true story of Maureen Dabbagh, a mother who tirelessly searched for her daughter after she was taken by her father.

Most of Stolen Girl will be filmed in Italy and is set to start filming soon with a budget of around $25 million. The movie will be directed by James Kent, with the screenplay written by Rebecca Pollock and Kas Graham.

The announcement of Beckinsale's role in the film comes shortly after she posted (and later deleted) a series of photos on Instagram from a hospital bed where she was receiving treatment for an undisclosed illness. Although Beckinsale has not disclosed specifics, she has clarified that she was not being treated for a ruptured cyst or endometriosis. Beckinsale had previously received treatment for a ruptured ovarian cyst in January 2019.

Beckinsale shared a photo of herself in a hospital bed on March 10 to celebrate U.K. Mother's Day and express love for her own mother. Following this, she posted an image of her Pomeranian, Myf, visiting her in the hospital, mentioning that her cat Willow had visited the day before.

Kate Beckinsale to Star in Kidnapping Drama ‘Stolen Girl’ Following Mystery Hospital Stay

Kate Beckinsale to Star in Kidnapping Drama ‘Stolen Girl’ Following Mystery Hospital Stay

Kate Beckinsale shared photos from her hospital stay on Instagram. It's uncertain if she left the hospital and came back or stayed continuously. She marked Easter from her hospital bed on March 31 and posted additional hospital pictures a few days later.

Beckinsale mentioned experiencing stomach pain in an Instagram post on Sunday, April 21. In a post earlier this month, she shared a photo of herself wearing a shirt that read “TUMMY TROUBLES SURVIVOR.”

Her health challenges have added to the difficult period for the actress, who is also coping with the loss of her stepfather, Ray Battersby.

Beckinsale honored her stepfather on his birthday over the weekend. She shared a heartfelt message on Instagram alongside a photo of Battersby. Beckinsale expressed how much she missed watching him open presents and the joy he brought to gift-giving.

The following day, she posted again, encouraging readers to embrace their emotions fully. Whether it's wallowing, crying, celebrating, or staring at a wall in disbelief, she suggests allowing yourself to feel it all. She also mentions sending flowers to your mom, treating yourself to gourmet cookies even if your stomach hurts, and maybe even eating them despite the pain. She shares a personal anecdote about receiving an email from a dentist wishing her deceased father a happy birthday, prompting both laughter and tears. In conclusion, she advises readers to do whatever feels right for them, whether it's doing everything or doing nothing at all.

Editor's P/S:

Kate Beckinsale's resilience and dedication to her craft are inspiring. Despite recent health challenges, including an undisclosed illness, she remains committed to her upcoming role in "Stolen Girl." This project aligns with her passion for portraying strong female characters and sheds light on the harrowing experience of Maureen Dabbagh. Beckinsale's openness about her health struggles resonates with many, demonstrating that even in the face of adversity, perseverance and purpose can prevail.

The article also highlights the importance of self-care and emotional expression. Beckinsale encourages readers to embrace their feelings, whether joy, sorrow, or uncertainty. Her message reminds us that it's essential to allow ourselves time and space to process emotions, even in the midst of difficult circumstances. By sharing her own experiences, she fosters a sense of community and support, reminding us that we are not alone in our struggles.