John Boyega, the actor who portrayed Finn in the Star Wars sequel trilogy, has previously been vocal about his negative experiences on set. However, in a recent interview with Ebony, Boyega has expressed a newfound appreciation for his time as the stormtrooper-turned-Resistance general. Despite criticisms of the franchise, including the lack of character development and representation, Boyega has reflected positively on his decade-long journey since being cast in Star Wars: The Force Awakens.
While looking through his phone, Boyega stumbled upon a video of him and his co-star Oscar Isaac playing Street Fighter between takes. It made him realize how much he missed the connections he made with people like Isaac and Daisy Ridley, and the valuable lessons he learned from watching the producers do their jobs. Even seeing Finn action figures in stores makes him chuckle, as he feels like a retired superhero. Despite any criticisms he had of the experience, Boyega acknowledges that working on Star Wars was a special and meaningful experience for him, thanks to the friendships he formed and the knowledge he gained from working on a major Hollywood production.
Could Finn Return In Rey's New Jedi Order Movie?
Speculation has been rife about whether John Boyega will reprise his role as Finn in the new Star Wars movie, especially since Daisy Ridley's return as Rey Skywalker was announced. Rumors circulated that Disney was in talks with Boyega to make this happen, and Boyega's recent comments suggest this could now be a possibility. With time to reflect on his Star Wars experience, Boyega seems to have a more positive outlook, and he notes that the franchise has not typecast him in any way, which is likely to make him feel even better about his involvement. While it remains to be seen whether Finn will feature in Rey's new Jedi Order movie, fans will be eagerly awaiting confirmation from either Disney or Boyega himself.
Source: Ebony, THE HOT MIC